Chapter 70

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"Mmmnnnhh." Aziraphale moaned as Crowley lay him on the TARDIS floor. Crowley shoved his black jacket under Aziraphale's head so he would be more comfortable. Aziraphale winced as Crowley unbuttoned his husband's waist coat, revealing the deep claw marks in Aziraphale's stomach. 

"It's going to be okay angel." Crowley's voice cracked as his hands began to shake. Crowley placed his hands over the wounds and within moments they were healed.

Aziraphale sighed with relief as the pain faded. "Thank you my dear…now that's taken care of…" Aziraphale tried to sit up but Crowley stopped him. "You're not going anywhere Aziraphale." Crowley's voice had a strange note to it as his hands kept shaking. "You are going to stay right here and rest. With Eden." Aziraphale turned and saw Eden lying on the floor next to him. Raguel and Gabriel left her there at Crowley's request. 

"What's wrong with her?" Aziraphale exclaimed. He tried to sit up again but Crowley wouldn't let him. "Is she alright?"

"She passed out." Crowley replied tightly as Gabriel handed him a blanket. "Which is why I want you to stay here with her, rest and keep an eye on her." 

At those words, Aziraphale shifted closer to Eden’s still, pale body and he pulled the blanket tightly around them. "Of course I will." 

Crowley watched over them until Aziraphale fell asleep. Crowley jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Gabriel." 

"How are they?" Gabriel had been anxiously watching from the side while the others were exploring around the interior of the TARDIS, fascinated by this strange new vessel.

"Fine. Aziraphale is fine. And Eden is going to be fine…." Crowley's voice cracked as he wiped his eyes. 

Gabriel squeezed Crowley's shoulder. "I can whip them up a little something in the kitchen. I'm sure Eden made sure that the fridge and pantry were well stocked before all this happened." 

Crowley smiled gratefully at the Archangel. "Yeah, that's a good idea…." Gabriel threw a blanket around Crowley’s shoulders. "I'll also fetch some more blankets and actual pillows so they can rest more comfortably." Eden had basically made the many rooms of the TARDIS replicas of the rooms from South Downs. Her home away from home….

"Thanks Gabriel." Crowley rasped. 

After Crowley made sure that his husband and daughter were comfortable on the makeshift bed that he and the Archangel made, Crowley went to the TARDIS console. He and Eden had so many wonderful times in here. And Crowley had always been so proud whenever Eden would create a new addition to the TARDIS.  He thought he would burst with pride when she took him and Aziraphale on their first trip via the TARDIS to Madagascar. She had only been ten years old then and it was one of their best trips….

"Right, now," Crowley said as he flicked on a switch and pulled a lever. "Let's set the coordinates to home." 

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin