Chapter 47

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Raguel glanced at Eden. She was lagging behind. She had insisted on walking and the four of them had made it into the city without any problems. The city was an absolute dump but Raguel knew that there had to be someplace warm where she could rest.

"Abraxas!" Raguel called, "We need to stop for a moment!" Abraxas and Brutus stopped as Raguel rushed to Eden's side. 

"Eden are you in any pain?" 

"No, Raguel, I'm fine." Eden shrugged. Raguel glanced at Abraxas, "Is there a place nearby that is warm?"

"Yes, it's a small inn, she can rest there while I find a quicker way for us to get to the train station." Abraxas replied. 

"Good." Raguel replied. "Eden won't make it if we continue on like this."

Abraxas nodded in agreement as Eden began to protest again. Abraxas pointed to a dimly lit sign that was swaying in the icy breeze, which meant that another blizzard was incoming.

"This way!"

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