Chapter 91

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"I'm glad you like your new car." Eden said as the two crawled into bed. They were much too tired to unpack the Benz and put their brand new household gifts in their proper places. But fortunately,  Crowley and Aziraphale were coming over tomorrow for breakfast and after that they would help the couple unload their gifts, followed by a driving lesson for Gabriel. The Archangel was very excited, he was already head over heels with his new car.

"The wedding is coming up." Eden murmured. 

"Yeah." Gabriel replied. 

"You sure you don't mind that we have the reception at St James?"  Crowley had insisted on having the reception there and that they go all out. Nothing but the best for his little girl he had said.

"No of course not, if anything Crowley's idea is even better than what we had in mind." Gabriel tucked himself and Eden in. "And I know Aziraphale can agree to that." 

Eden sighed, "Yeah, it does sound wonderful….you in a tux…" Eden grinned mischievously. 

"Stop it." Gabriel huffed, blushing. 

"I can see it now, your hair combed to perfection,  not a hair out of place. Those broad shoulders framed nicely in the tux's sleeves…..and your bum…"

"Hey!" Gabriel squawked when he felt something grab his bum. "Oh you're gonna pay for that!" Gabriel grabbed his pillow and took a swing at Eden who flung her pillow at him. "But it's such a beautiful bum, can you blame me?!" 

After a moment of battering each other with pillows Gabriel said, "No….but I prefer yours….." Eden squealed when Gabriel wrapped an arm around her while the other reached for her bum….

All of a sudden,  they weren't tired anymore.

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