Chapter 43

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"So the “frozen lake” isn’t actually a lake.” Eden observed as the foursome observed the map. She draped the silver chain around her neck and her sonic was resting comfortably on her chest. It was actually quite stylish as an amulet Eden observed.  

“No.” Abraxas confirmed. “It’s actually an ocean. A small one mind you. The Sea of Treachery, and it’s home to souls who have committed treason against kin.” He pointed to a lopsided island, and on this island, here, is Alighieri Detention Asylum.”

“Our best option is the train station.” Brutus rumbled. “We’ll have to pass through the city to get there, but it’ll be quicker than going to the docks and risking a trip across the sea.”

“Isn’t it frozen anyway?” Eden asked.

Brutus replied. “The souls trapped under the ice break through occasionally but the ice shards make it difficult to sail.”

“Do the souls escape?” 

“No.” Brutus replied. “The water pulls them back down. Always.”

Raguel glanced at Eden, “It's your decision Eden.”
Eden thought for a couple of moments. “Which way will be faster?”

“The train.” Abraxas and Brutus replied in unison. 

Eden smiled. “Then the train it is.” 

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