Chapter 79

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"I got the fire goin' Master Crowley!" Shadwell called from the front door. He was holding star by the collar. The black and white mutt wanted to be at Eden's side so badly….

"Tracy, would you be so kind and take our guests into the living room for some tea while Crowley and I see to our daughter and Gabriel?" Tracy nodded and she led the two newcomers who introduced themselves as Raguel and Abraxas into the living room. 

"What the bloody hell happened to them?" Shadwell asked. Gabriel and Eden were now lying on the rug in front of the roaring fireplace. 

"Hypothermia." Aziraphale answered. "Would you be so kind and call Bella?" Aziraphale suddenly felt tired. "I'll go get….more….blankets…." 

"Shit! Aziraphale!" Crowley darted to his husband's side as Aziraphale's legs buckled. 

"Lie down angel and rest….." Tracy had heard the commotion and barged into the room with an armful of blankets. "Here Crowley!" Crowley quickly wrapped Aziraphale, Eden and Gabriel in several layers of blankets.

"I just phoned Bella, Crowley,  she's on her way!" Crowley nodded his thanks as he turned back to his family, his whole body trembling. 

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