Chapter 6

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“Aziraphale…” Crowley said, “We’re not going to lose her, I promise you….” Crowley’s hands started to tremble. “We won’t lose her again.”

Aziraphale didn't reply and just leaned against the cold metal door until a groan from Gabriel was heard. "Gabriel? Are you alright?" 

"I think I broke a rib…"  

Aziraphale got to his feet and walked to the window. "You're bleeding too."

Gabriel shrugged. "It's nothing. Just a scratch." When Gabriel winced again Aziraphale slid an arm through the metal bars, "Give me your hand." Gabriel did as he was told and within seconds, the pain faded. 

"I'm afraid I can't miracle the blood away." Aziraphale said regretfully. "But I can tap into my healing abilities at least…"

"Thank you Aziraphale." Gabriel replied gratefully. Aziraphale suddenly began shivering; Crowley darted to his side. "Angel what's wrong? What's happening?"

"Eden…she's so cold." Aziraphale rasped. "So very cold…" Crowley bit his lip as he helped Aziraphale to the cell's bed and wrapped a blanket around his husband's shoulders. He shared a frightened look with Gabriel….

If only they could get out of here…

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now