Chapter 5

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   To say that Abraxas hated his new job would be an understatement. He never had the stomach for all the fighting and bloodshed that happened here. He had been working for Hastur for nearly two years now and things had been slow lately. Things were really bad after the War. Frustrated demons volunteered to fight against one another ripping one another to shreds regardless of rank or the paperwork a discorporation would entail.

Since things had finally come to a standstill, Abraxas was able to spend more time with the resident medic Archangel Raguel who would tend to the wounded and dying….that is if they would let him get near for a healing.

Unlike Abraxas, who was sent to Gehenna simply because of his low rank, Raguel had apparently released the traitor Archangel Gabriel from his prison cell during the War and his punishment for his treachery was to serve under Hastur and be among these gruesome fights.

Abraxas was making his way through a bleak hallway, towards Archangel Raguel’s quarters when a voice barked. “Abraxas!”

Abraxas flinched. “Yes Master.” 

Hastur growled over his shoulder, “The mission was a success.” Abraxas felt his stomach turn to ice.

“You mean?”

Hastur grinned. “The Abomination is in the dungeon and it’s only a matter of time before I get back into Hell’s good graces. Now be a good little demon and inform that useless medic. I intend to have a fight set up as soon as possible. And we can’t have that wretched girl discorporating on us anytime soon.”

Abraxas clenched his teeth and gritted out. “Yes sir.”

Hastur vanished in a puff of sickly black smoke and Abraxas ran the rest of the way to Raguel’s quarters. 

He hadn’t expected this. When Hastur revealed his plans to him, he thought it would fail like all of the others. But it didn’t and Abraxas had no idea how to help Eden or her family.

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now