Chapter 66

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Eden felt warm. She almost didn't recognize the feeling due to feeling cold for so long. She felt a gentle hand stroke her cheek. Eden blinked her eyes open,  meeting the purple gaze she loved so much. 

"Hey." Gabriel said softly. "How are you feeling?" 

"Warm. Very warm….it's nice." Eden realized that the Archangel had a snow white wing draped over her. 

"Little One?!" Aziraphale was suddenly at Eden's side. "Oh thank goodness! Crowley! She's awake!" 

"Queenie!" Crowley exclaimed as he joined his husband. "We've been worried sick, how are you feeling?" 

"Well, I'm not cold anymore, that's for sure." Eden took in her surroundings and realized that their little group was inside a cave of some sort. 

"Where are we?" Eden asked. She saw Abraxas, Brutus, Hellraiser and Raguel huddled by a small fire, talking quietly. 

"Abraxas found this cave." Crowley said as Aziraphale continued to fuss over Eden.  "We couldn't afford to be picky so I miracled us a fire so you could get warm while you rested."

"Well, I'm rested." Eden said as she attempted to sit up but both her parents, even Gabriel stopped her. 

"You are not going anywhere young lady!" Aziraphale said sternly. "You are going to stay right here where Gabriel can keep an eye on you while I prepare you something to eat." Aziraphale reached for the sack of food and dashed to the fire, eager to see what he could make for his daughter. 

"Here." Crowley handed her the canteen. "I want you to drink all of this. You need the fluids." Eden accepted the canteen without any argument and drank gratefully, finally realizing how thirsty she was. 

Gabriel sighed with relief. The color had returned to Eden’s skin,  although she was still a bit pale.  But seeing her awake and drinking was a huge relief.

"Drink more." Crowley snapped his fingers once Eden drained the canteen, refilling it.  

The cave was suddenly filled with the smell of cooked chicken and fish and within a few moments Aziraphale returned to his family with a wooden plate with freshly cooked chicken drumsticks, a piece of fish along with a wedge of cheese and a small loaf of bread. 

"Here Little One." Aziraphale handed Eden the plate. "It just cooled off. I want you to eat every bite."

"Where did you get the plate?" asked Eden as she took a bite of chicken. 

"A little miracle gave me the things I needed to prepare you a decent meal."

"You're Papa has been making sure that we've all been eating well." Crowley added. It had been difficult seeing his husband fussing over an unconscious Eden as well as preparing food for the entire group. Crowley had been helping every step of the way of course,  but it hadn't been easy with his shaking hands.

Aziraphale looked into the sack.  It was nearly empty. He could miracle some more food and supplies into existence but it would take effort…what if Eden, Gabriel or Crowley were injured and he didn't have the strength to heal them? They had Raguel and Abraxas of course but another celestial being could be needed depending on the severity of the injury….

"Angel." Aziraphale turned and met Crowley's loving gaze. "I brought you something to eat." Crowley held out a wooden plate with chicken, an apple, and a wedge of cheese on it. 

"Thank you, love." Aziraphale smiled gratefully. As Aziraphale ate his meal the two of them glanced at Gabriel and Eden. The Archangel still had Eden tucked protectively under his wing, shielding her from the cold.

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