Chapter 28

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“Shit. Beezlebub is here.” Abraxas said through gritted teeth as he and Raguel approached the cell where the dreadful howling was coming from.

“And Dagon…” Raguel added as Hastur saw them approaching.

“What are you two doing here? Who’s watching the Abomination?” 

“Brutus is with her.” Abraxas replied, forcing his voice to sound normal.

“And I’m here to do my job.” Raguel stepped in. “I heard someone crying out in pain and it’s my duty to care for them.”

Hastur suddenly grinned. “Heh, maybe the sight of an angel might get the old boy's spirit back.” Hastur turned to Judas. 

“Let him in.”

Abraxas tensed as Judas unlocked the cell door and Raguel peered inside the doorway.

“Be careful.” He rasped, not at all caring if the others heard him.

“I always am.”

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