Chapter 68

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"Are you sure you can make the trek Little One?" Aziraphale asked as the group stepped onto the frozen lake. 

"Yes. I'll be fine Papa." Eden suddenly slipped but Gabriel caught her.  "Heh, thanks." She smiled gratefully then continued. "The TARDIS isn't that far, maybe a couple of miles at the most a bit if we leave now we can reach it hopefully before another snowfall hits."

"It'll also be a proper shelter for us." Gabriel added as he wrapped an arm around Eden protectively. 

"Stay close to each other." Brutus rumbled. "A sinners soul may try to break through and pull you under." Crowley instinctively pulled Aziraphale close to him and the couple shifted closer to Eden and Gabriel. Abraxas and Raguel brought up the rear with Hellraiser as Brutus led the way once Eden pointed him in the right direction. 

Hastur, Aamon, Judas and Cassius had reached the ice. Hastur snapped his fingers with a cruel smile on his face as the ice began to crack…..

The group had finally reached the TARDIS. It was still laying on its side and covered in snow but otherwise it looked intact. As Raguel feared, Eden was completely drained of her energy. Eden was being supported by Aziraphale so she wouldn't collapse onto the ice. Meanwhile, Crowley, Gabriel, Brutus, Abraxas and Raguel were working together to sit the TARDIS upright.

Aziraphale felt Eden shivering so he hugged her tightly. "We'll be home soon Little One." Eden didn't reply, just lay her head against Aziraphale's shoulder. Aziraphale felt a stab of concern. "Maybe we should sit down…"

Aziraphale froze at the sudden sound of cracking right when the others set the TARDIS upright. 

"There we go!" Crowley grinned triumphantly. "Now we can leave this wretched cold!" He hated the cold even more than the Fourteenth Century! "Crowley!" Crowley turned at Aziraphale's call.

"Yes angel?" 

"We need to get Eden inside now." As Aziraphale led Eden towards the TARDIS, the ice cracked beneath them and two specter like apparitions that resembled two long arms grabbed Aziraphale and Eden roughly by the shoulders and into the freezing water.

"Nooo!" Crowley cried as his husband and daughter disappeared under the ice.

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