Chapter 10

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"You can't be serious Hastur." Abraxas had gone straight to Hastur's office. "What if she discorporates barely five minutes into the match?"

"Heh." Hastur chuckled. "That's why that Archangel is here. He can revive her if need be or heal it if its injuries become too severe during the fight." Abraxas clenched his fist. "Her." He growled.

"What did you say?" 

Abraxas continued. "She is not an it. She is a "her"." Hastur grinned smugly. "Already attached to "her" I see…I advise against it my dear Abraxas." 

"Please sir, I beg you, just release her. I'll take her place if that is the only way to set her free." 

"Why Abraxas why suddenly so noble, this is highly unbecoming of a demon." Hastur continued,  "I have a personal score to settle with her father Crowley and the other one simply must pay for discorporating our Lord Satan. Now unless you want to join them at Alighieri I suggest you get out of my sight and get "her" trained."

Abraxas left Hastur's office, utterly defeated. 

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