Chapter 62

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"I'm sorry about the TARDIS." Gabriel said softly as the group made their way to the courtyard. "Don't be." Eden replied.  "There's a way for me to find it."

"What happened to the guards and other staff?" Raguel asked out loud. "Why has no one tried to stop us?"

"Probably too scared of us." Crowley said. "Could be hiding in the break room…." Crowley glanced at his family. Aziraphale had an arm wrapped protectively around Eden while she was holding Gabriel's hand tightly. 

Crowley realized that Sandalphon had been right. Eden looked pale and as if the next gust of wind might knock her over.

"Queenie, are you alright?"

A furious screech pierced the air. Hellraiser raised his hackles as his black fur stood on end.

"Kill." A raspy voice snarled. "Kill you all. Kill."

"I know that voice." Eden whispered as everyone froze in place. 

A birdlike figure emerged from the shadows, bearing its razor sharp fangs as its greasy feathers glistened in the dimly lit courtyard. 

"Ezeqeel." Eden gasped, horrified.

"KRAAAH!" Ezeqeel screeched as she charged at the group.

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now