Chapter 93

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Crowley and Gabriel had arrived at St James in the Bentley while the others followed in their own vehicles and as soon as they arrived Crowley began to get everything ready. The guests took their seats,  even Hellraiser and Dog had their own seats next to the Youngs, and everyone was anxiously waiting for the bridal procession. 

Gabriel stood under the wooden archway that Aziraphale, Crowley and the bridesmaids made to serve as an altar. It was decorated with blue hydrangeas and purple roses. Gabriel stood still as Crowley and Shadwell, his best man, fussed and made sure Gabriel looked perfect. Once Crowley was satisfied with Gabriel's appearance, Crowley checked on the bands, Imagine Dragons and Skillet, who couldn't make it to the "Couples Shower"/ Engagement Party due to a previous gig but as planned, they made it to St James on time. (Skillet was Eden's favorite modern day band with Imagine Dragons being a close second.....)
Crowley then checked the wedding photographer, then he dashed to where the caterers were waiting with the food, checking,  double checking and even triple checking that everything was perfect….

The sound of a horse neighing was suddenly heard which meant that the bride had finally arrived. 

Samwise Gamgee, Eden's speckled gray Shire was pulling an elegant open roof carriage where Eden,  the bridesmaids, flower girls and Aziraphale,  who was the sharply dressed coachman, to Crowley’s delight. Crowley grinned from ear to ear as he helped Aziraphale from his seat.

Gabriel and Shadwell watched from the archway as the bridesmaids scrambled out of the carriage, followed by Magnolia, Agnes and Star, who was wearing a flower collar around her neck. 

At last Crowley and Aziraphale helped Eden exit the carriage…..

Gabriel was once again starstruck. Eden looked like an angel, but what an angel was supposed to be, a symbol of purity, kindness, joy and love as well as a pillar of perseverance….

Eden walked towards the Archangel who was waiting for her under the blue and purple archway.  Her Papa was on her left, her Daddy on the right.  Eden waved at the guests, even at the two empty chairs with the name tags that read "Ramlel" and "Brutus". Eden had a feeling that they were here….

Eden smiled as Star guided the two small flower girls to their seats once their task was done and everyone rose from their chairs in greeting. 

As Eden had predicted her Archangel stood there, looking absolutely beautiful, not a hair out of place. 

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