Chapter 75

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Gabriel and Eden coughed and gasped for air when they finally made it to the surface. "Give me your hand!" Crowley demanded Gabriel. The Archangel didn't need to be told twice. As Crowley helped Gabriel out of the water and onto the ice,  Aziraphale was crouching near the ice hole's edge. 

"Eden,  Little One, take my hand!" Aziraphale cried out. Eden's skin was a deathly white. Brutus was still in the water, practically keeping her afloat. Eden reached out weakly and took Aziraphale's hand.

"Alright now, up you get…" Eden stared at her Papa dully. "Papa…I can't…." Aziraphale flinched, as if he had been struck. "What do you mean you can't?"

"I'm so cold….I can hardly feel anything anymore." 

"That's why Brutus and I are going to help you." Aziraphale's voice cracked. "Little One please, don't give up now…."

"I'm tired Papa….I'm so tired…" Eden lay her head on the ice while her free hand gripped it weakly. She felt numb everywhere….

"Aziraphale, what's wrong?" Gabriel demanded once his coughing finally subsided. He had hacked up a bunch of foul tasting water, only to realize that Eden was still in the water with Brutus. 

"She's nearly frozen solid!" Aziraphale exclaimed. "We need to get her out right now!" 

"I'll lift her up towards you." Brutus said as he slid his muscular arms underneath Eden's armpits.

Aziraphale nodded. "Right. Crowley grab her other hand, Gabriel be ready to catch her so she won't hit the ice." 

Gabriel nodded as Crowley obeyed his husband's instructions. 

"On three," Crowley began. "One, two…" 

"Aaagh!" Eden screamed in agony before anyone could do anything. 

"Shit what's wrong?" Crowley demanded. "Did we hurt you?" 

"My leg…." Eden whimpered. "Somethings got my leg!" A cloud of blood appeared in the water as Brutus gently removed his arms. 

Eden cried out again as something began to pull on her leg. 

"It's trying to pull her under!" Gabriel gasped as he grabbed Eden's wrist. 

Brutus peered through the water. "It's Hastur." 

"Fuck!" Crowley swore, but when Eden's tired, frightened blue gaze met his, he said, "It's okay Queenie we've got you."

When Eden cried out again Brutus dove under the water and tried to swat Hastur away. The former Duke of Hell had his claws buried deep in Eden's leg. Blood was streaming everywhere turning the water around them red. 

Hastur cruelly yanked Eden's leg in another attempt to pull her under. Something inside Brutus snapped at the sound of another pained scream from Eden. 

Brutus punched Hastur right in the face. Hastur cried out in surprise, finally letting go of Eden's leg. 

Hastur tried to grab Eden again but Brutus grabbed the former Duke and didn't resist the sinner's souls that grabbed them both and pulled them towards the bottom…..

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