Chapter 29

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As soon as Raguel stepped in the cell, two piercing blue eyes met his gaze. 

“Hello there, Hellraiser is it?” Raguel began. He snapped his fingers and suddenly there was light in the cell. As long as the door remained open his powers would still work.

The black Hellhound snarled at the sudden light.

“Easy. Easy.” Raguel soothed as he approached slowly. “I’m here to help you.” The poor things flanks were laced with terrible burns.

“You poor thing.” Raguel murmured sadly. “If you let me, I can heal you…as Eden requested.”

Hellraiser stopped snarling and cocked his head. 

Raguel smiled. “That’s right. You know her don’t you? She asked me personally to come see you and fix you up.” 

The black hellhound suddenly collapsed on his side, the pain was now too much to bear. 

Raguel was at Hellraiser's side and placed his hands over a burn and within seconds the terrible wounds that covered the hounds body had finally vanished. 

Hellraiser blinked his eyes open and licked Raguel’s hand gratefully. 

“You’re very welcome.” Raguel smiled as he ran a hand through the hounds' silky black fur. 

A hellhound had never done that before….

Hastur tried his best not to flinch under Beezlebub’s furious gaze.

“Another hellhound wasted and ruined.” They spat. “I’m holding you personally responsible for this Hastur.”

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now