Chapter 22

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Crowley laughed and whooped at the television screen. The Hellhound had stopped with its assault. 

"That's my girl!" Crowley grinned, until a groan of pain from Aziraphale brought him back to reality. "Shit."

Crowley was at Aziraphale's side instantly. "Aziraphale…"

Aziraphale met Crowley's  gaze and replied. "She's hurt badly…" Aziraphale clutched his side. "The pain is getting worse by the second…" Crowley glanced at the TV, his stomach knotting at the sight of Eden leaning against the hound as if standing was taking too much effort as the crowd booed and hissed.

Gabriel stared at Crowley and Aziraphale's TV in horror as two large red demons entered the arena, teeth bared.


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