Chapter 34

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"Hurry!" Raguel said as he led Brutus and Abraxas to the infirmary. Brutus was carrying a still heavily bleeding Eden.....

"No no no no...." Gabriel whimpered. He never took his purple gaze away from the television. He watched as Baal ripped into Eden....there was so much on that horrible day....

Gabriel's whole body trembled as he grasped the barred window tightly.

"Aziraphale? Aziraphale?! Stay with me okay?" Aziraphale was fading in and out of consciousness.

Crowley cradled Aziraphale in his arms as his husband moaned in pain again.

"Eden is going to be okay angel. You saw our girl she fought back and kicked Baal's ass...." Crowley's hands started to tremble again.

The television flickered off as Eden was being dragged away and only then did Crowley and Gabriel turn away. The trail of blood made their stomachs churn. Crowley made sure that Aziraphale was lying down as comfortably as possible despite the pain he was in until the angel eventually fell into a fitful sleep.

When Aziraphale had seemed to be asleep after a long while, Crowley turned to the cell's window and met the teary gaze of the Archangel.

"I know I said that demons don't give blessings but I'm going off script." Crowley murmured.

"Really?" Gabriel rasped as he recalled Crowley's reaction when the demon found out that the Archangel was planning to propose to his daughter.

Crowley nodded. "You have my blessing to take my daughter's hand in marriage, blah blah blah, welcome to the family and all that."

They both managed a forced chuckle. "Thank you Crowley."

But the laughter quickly faded and the worry returned.

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