Chapter 78

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Sergeant Shadwell and Tracy had been staying at Archangel Falls for nearly two weeks now. They had yet to hear from the Fells and both he and Madame Tracy were starting to worry….

Shadwell was getting ready to take Star for a walk when the sound of Samwise neighing and a bright light got his attention. He peered out the window and saw the TARDIS covered in snow and ice. 

After he told Tracy to watch Star, Shadwell rushed outside to the TARDIS as the twin doors creaked open. The Scotsman met the orange gaze of Crowley. "Shadwell….go get a fire in the fireplace started." 

Shadwell, puzzled by the request due to it being spring, but knowing that Crowley's tone wasn't asking for questions.

Gabriel must have blacked out because he suddenly realized that Aziraphale and Crowley were trying to rouse him. 

"Gabriel, wake up!" Crowley barked while Aziraphale said more gently, "We're at the Falls dear, you need to get up, and let go of Eden so we can carry her inside."

Gabriel felt numb all over. He wanted to close his eyes and not let go of Eden.

"I don't think I can….I'm tired….and Eden….I don't want to let her go….." Gabriel's words came out slurred and drained. 

Crowley bit his lip as Aziraphale gasped. "He might have hypothermia…."

"They both probably have it, which is why we need to move, now!" Crowley snapped. 

As Raguel helped Aziraphale to pick up Eden, Gabriel tried to swat the angels away. "Get away from her, she's mine!" The Archangel most definitely had hypothermia.

"We're trying to help you, dumbass!" Crowley snapped as he and Abraxas grabbed the delirious Archangel. "Up you get Romeo!"

Crowley and Abraxas helped Gabriel to his feet and led him out of the TARDIS into the warm welcoming air.

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