Chapter 69

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Eden tried to hang on to her Papa for dear life but something,  or rather,  someone, ripped her away from him. She cried out but water filled her mouth and lungs. She couldn't breathe….
A black specter with white skin and oily black hair was suddenly coming right at her, with teeth and claws bared….

Aziraphale intercepted the specter and fought it head on. He grunted in pain when the specter gored him with his claws but he pushed past the pain and blood in the water, he summoned a blast of celestial energy which sent the specter fleeing. 

Aziraphale heard a strangled scream and saw Eden being dragged down by two other specters.

Aziraphale swam towards them but stopped when Crowley zipped by him. With a few well aimed strikes Crowley sent the two specters fleeing. 

Crowley and Aziraphale grabbed Eden by her shoulders and swam back up to the surface….

"Gabriel!" Crowley called out, "Gabriel over here!" Gabriel ran towards the family. "I'm here!"

"Get them out first…" Crowley rasped as Eden coughed violently. He, Aziraphale and Gabriel helped Eden back onto the ice where she kept hacking up water as Crowley and Gabriel helped Aziraphale out of the water. 

 "Little One!" Aziraphale exclaimed as he rushed to Eden's side. Eden was shaking. "I-I'm o-okay Papa…" Eden murmured through her chattering teeth. Gabriel threw his jacket over Eden's shoulders. 

"Aziraphale…." Crowley rasped tightly. "Aziraphale, where are you hurt?" 

Aziraphale gazed at his husband blankly. "I'm fine dear boy…"

"I can smell the blood angel." Crowley replied but Aziraphale shrugged him off. "It's nothing." 

"Aziraphale…you're bleeding…." Blood was dripping onto the ice.

"Papa?" Eden rasped. "Are you hurt?" 

Aziraphale smiled weakly. "I'm fine Little One. It's just a little scratch…." Aziraphale grimaced and gripped his stomach. "Unnnngh…." 

"Shit! Angel!" Crowley caught Aziraphale before he could hit the ice. "We need to get them both inside the TARDIS right now!" Crowley scooped up Aziraphale in his arms and dashed to the TARDIS with Gabriel and Eden following close behind. 

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now