Chapter 53

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"I already got our tickets." Abraxas said as he ushered the group inside the train. "Let's just take our seats and lay low." 

“We’re in luck. The train is practically deserted.” The five of them had the entire boxcar to themselves. Eden sank into the first seat she saw. It was surprisingly comfy. Hellraiser curled up in the seat next to her as the others chose their own seats. 

Abraxas had said that the trip to Alighieri would be a few hours but Eden didn’t think she could stay seated for that long….

As Eden rose from her seat Raguel tensed. "Where are you going dear?" 

"I'm just going to walk around for a bit, I haven't been on a train in ages and I want to look around." 

Raguel looked worried. 

"I'll be fine. I won't go far, you heard Abraxas. The train is empty." 

"Yeah, Alighieri isn't a popular tourist attraction, you know." 

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