Chapter 94

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Aziraphale and Crowley each pecked Eden on the cheek then took their places. Aziraphale stood in front of the couple while Crowley stood next to Shadwell.

"Today we gather for a day I've dreamed about for a long time." Aziraphale began, teary eyed. "My Little One, my daughter has found love at long last and she, and he, wish to make it official. And I couldn't be more happy with her choice. They have both overcome so many trials and tribulations, which sadly, comes with this life on Earth. But they're both stronger than ever before and whatever else comes their way, they will endure it together. Words cannot describe how proud I am of both of you. Now, I believe you both have something to say to each other before you say "I Do?" Gabriel and Eden both nodded and they finally turned to face each other.

"Eden. My Edie." Gabriel rasped as tears stung his eyes. "I promise to love you, cherish you and protect you for all of eternity. And to fill your days with happiness, like what you have done for me ever since I first met you."

"And I," Eden began, her voice cracking, "Promise to love you and to always be devoted to you. Your champion always. Forever yours."

Edie..." Gabriel's voice cracked as Aziraphale asked, "Do you Archangel Gabriel, take Eden Alexandria Queen Fell to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, for better or for worse, and in sickness and in health, until the end of time itself?"

"I do." Gabriel rasped as he took Eden's ring from little Terry Neil and placed the ring back on her ring finger.

Aziraphale turned to Eden, "And do you, Eden Alexandria Queen Fell, take Archangel Gabriel-"

"YES! A million times yes! Until the end of time and eternity, whichever one comes first!" Eden slipped on the golden band, with angel wings engraved on it, which she picked out just for him, on his slender ring finger.

Aziraphale smiled, "Then on that note, I now pronounce you Archangel and wife. You may now kiss your bride Gabriel."

Eden leaned forward for a kiss but was surprised when Gabriel pulled her into his embrace and kissed her passionately....

Crowley snapped his fingers and a flock of ducks took off into the air.

"Daddy! You included the ducks in the ceremony?" Eden smiled as her feathered friends took off into the air, led by Archie who had recently become fully grown. Eden had insisted, like with Samwise, Hellraiser, Dog and Star, Eden wanted the ducks of St James to be allowed to enjoy the wedding, and Crowley had reserved an entire patch of grass just for them.

"Course I did!" Crowley said, "They owed me a favor and nothing but the best for my little girl and my new son in law."

To everyone's surprise, after the Unity Ceremony, where Aziraphale bound the newlyweds hands together with a purple ribbon, Crowley hugged Gabriel after he hugged Eden.

"Thank you Crowley." Gabriel said, gratefully, returning the hug, then Crowley led the newly weds to a group of picnic blankets that had been lying in wait on the fresh green grass.

"Now, you two get the best seat in the house. Relax and talk amongst yourselves and the guests while I take care of a few more things before we eat."

Eden, Gabriel and the guests posed for photos until the food was finally served. Everyone enjoyed a scrummy meal of Fish N Chips, with extra chips especially made for the ducks along with oats and carrots for Samwise and pet food for the dogs. There were also TARDIS shaped cookies which had been hand baked by Aziraphale himself. As much as Eden wanted the wedding cake to be from her favorite bakery, Cutter and Squidge, she couldn’t say no to her Papa’s baking either and had asked for a batch of cookies for everyone to enjoy along with a few other goodies.

Meanwhile the dessert, the wedding cake, was just as ineffable as everything else. It was three layers of excellence. One half red velvet and the other half vanilla, coated with snow white cream cheese icing.

It was decorated with blue and purple roses made from colored icing. Eden and Gabriel didn't want to cut it at first, it was such a beautiful cake....

But they finally did and to Eden's surprise, Gabriel mischievously flicked a blob of icing right at her cheek.

But Eden gave it back to the Archangel by flinging an entire spoonful of cake right at him.....

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