Chapter 77

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Gabriel hugged Eden tightly. While Crowley was revving up the TARDIS, Aziraphale and Raguel were trying to get Eden warm by swaddling her in several layers of blankets. Gabriel was bundled up as well but he was nowhere near as cold as Eden. Eden was barely conscious and she was shaking so much that Gabriel had both arms wrapped around her,  hoping fervently to help warm his Edie.

Abraxas closed the door behind him. "Did you find him?" Aziraphale rasped.  Abraxas shook his head. "There's no sign of either of them."

Aziraphale felt a stab of grief, knowing how upset Eden would be.  

Crowley grit his teeth in frustration at the news. "She's ready to go.  Grab onto something and hang on tight." 

Gabriel grabbed the railing next to him,  his other arm wrapped tightly around Eden's shivering body. Aziraphale did the same and smiled gratefully at Hellraiser as he snuggled next to Eden, adding even more warmth. 

Gabriel buried his face in Eden's damp curls. "We're going home Edie….we’re going home….and once you've rested we're going to get married….like we've planned…." Gabriel hugged Eden even tighter as the TARDIS began to shake and tremble….

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