Chapter 89

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"I had actually come to terms with being alone for the remainder of eternity." Gabriel began. "It didn't help that Armageddon was going to happen again….but I had grown fond of my new home despite everything." He glanced at Eden. 

"I heard her before I saw her. She was laughing. Laughing is frowned upon amongst angels, and hearing someone do it with such freedom and happiness got my attention. But when I saw her I was completely surprised by her. I had never seen someone so….ineffable."

"Same here Gabe!" Eden smiled as Gabriel gave her a kiss. "When I was in recovery, you helped take care of me. And I faintly remember you trying to save me when I was dying….I hope I can return the favor someday." 

"You already have Eden." Gabriel murmured as their foreheads touched.

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now