chapter 130

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I opened my eyes and climbed out of the car, looking around I can see smoke from the engine and kaneki dead in the passenger seat. I look down and all I can see is blood, but it isn't bothering me....I'm obviously in shock.
I walk to the little white building and sit down in the circle.  Everyone is looking away from me but the minute I sit down every single person turns to look at me.
Hide, Kaito, Jason, Rize, Ryo and Takasu. 
"It isn't your time." They all say at once. "We love you, but you have to go back.  You're not welcome here....just yet."
"What?" I ask confused.  "I'm meant to be here. Look. This feels right." I say smiling.
"Taiga wake up." Hide said in Kanekis voice, crying. 
"Taiga please don't leave me." Ryo said, also in his voice.
"I'm so sorry. Please. You can't leave me." They all said in sync.
"Stop!" I screamed standing up.
They all began talking in Kanekis voice, overlapping each other so I couldn't work out what any of them were saying,  all I knew is that I had to leave, so that's what I did. I ran towards the door when I was blinded by light.  I closed my eyes and shielded my eyes with my arms. When I moved my arms and opened my eyes I was in the passengers seat.

Hinami's POV
Taiga was gone again but this time I wasn't scared. I knew she was coming back. The only thing that scared me was I didn't think kaneki would come back which would ruin her. She can deny it all she wants but everyone is made to be someone's other half, Kaneki is her other half. Her yin to his yang.
"I have to go move Takasu's body." Aoi said on the verge of breaking down.
"Me and touka will move it. Hinami can keep you company and raiden you can clean." Ayato said.
"What about Annoura's body?" I asked.
"We can move her too." Touka said kindly. I looked up at her and nodded so she and Ayato walked upstairs to carry out the bodies. They both walked back out with the bodies before putting them in a car Ayato stole a while back.
"Where would you like us to bury him." Touka asked. 
"I don't care." Aoi said walking inside. I chased after him to make sure he wasn't going to start cleaning his best friends blood off of the ground but he didn't.  He walked into Takasu's and Taiga's room, grabbing a box left outside the door that Taiga still hadn't moved from when we moved in.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Getting rid of all of his things. Help me?" He asked plopping the box on the bed.
"Are you throwing out everything?"
"Yes. What's all this junk without him." He said holding back his tears.
"All this 'junk' holds his memories, his scent. If it was important enough for him to keep it then it should be important for you to do the same. I mean this jersey....he loved it."
"Taiga loved it. He let her use it. She would want to keep that.  Throw it over there." He said pointing at the floor. I folded it up and put it on the floor before picking up his coat.
"What about this?"
"Get rid" he said snatching it off me and throwing it in a box. 
"And this?" I asked grabbing the picture of Takasu and Aoi stood together.
He grabbed it and threw it on the ground.
"Everything is going!" He shouted.
I sighed and walked towards the door.
"I may be a kid but I know when someone needs their space." I walked out, closing the door behind me, walking downstairs to make a coffee for myself and aoi.
"Is he okay?" Raiden asked looking at me, whilst he's on his hands and knees searching through the cupboards for bleach.
"No. He's in the same boat as kaneki. They both lost their best friend. I thought I should make him some coffee, just so he knows I'm there for him if he needs me."
"I can't believe you and Taiga are related. You're so different."
"What do you mean?"
"You're so sweet and cute and she's dark and twisty. Don't get me wrong I love her but you two are so different yet you've faced the same losses."
"No. We haven't.  The fact she's still standing is amazing. Did you know when she was my age, she left home because of Akio and Rize. They were horrible to her. She was a good kind person. She never use to kill anybody, good or bad, she never went on a rampage.  She was like me but they made her into the taiga she is now by tormenting her, hurting her, not to say the ccg tortured her for hours, cutting her finger tips and toes off over and over again after they grew back, then they would stab her and torment her mentally. She's an inspiration to me. I look to her and I always will. I may be sweet on the outside as well as the inside but she's sweet on the inside too, you just gotta dig a little deeper." I said pouring the coffee into a mug for Aoi.
Raiden looked at me in admiration as I walked up the stairs with some coffee. Although, as I approached Aois room I could hear something. 
I walked towards his open door and had a little peek.
He was wearing Takasu's oversized coat, holding the picture frame crying to himself, curled up on his bed. 
"I can't do this without you. You saved me from them horrible people....and ever since you've been by my side. How do you expect me to live like this. It's horrible." He whispered sobbing.
"You left me and you left everyone else here. We all needed you and although it didn't feel like it they all loved you and you left us all high and dry!!" He shouted crying.  "You were so tough. Nobody could ever break you and you were killed by a girl. A weak, troubled girl."
I looked at the coffee and sighed. I stepped away from the door and sat down against the wall listening to what he was saying. It was really was but I guess death is a part of life isn't it.

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