81 Major general

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At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Han Yi, the commander of the Fourth Army, led the warship to connect with the main starship and, according to the order of the Marshal, to pick up Forbos, who could not be questioned by the Third Army.

It is difficult for the two huge warships to get close, and a small ship has to be sent to meet the prisoner.


The explosion happened suddenly.

At that time, Gu Yu was holding his Major General Lu for a lunch break. Half asleep and half awake, he suddenly felt the warship shaking violently, and he and Lu Chen were awakened at the same time.

"What's going on?" Gu Yu only had time to put on a military coat, opened the door, and caught the military bugs passing by in the corridor to inquire.

The military worm panicked and said, "Colonele Gu, there was an accident on the small ship that took up Forbes! A starship that came from nowhere suddenly crashed into the small ship, and the whole fire broke out. Now I can't tell the situation inside!"

As soon as Lu Chen got dressed and walked out of the room, Liu Zhen greeted him and said hurriedly, "The lieutenant general is not good!" The one who was in the hall just now is gone!"

"Is it gone?" Lu Chen was surprised, "Where can he go?"

Liu Zhen took a breath and said urgently, "Middle general, do you think he... will he sneak into the exploding small ship?"

If that's the case, it's terrible!

Gu met and held Lu Chen's hand, pinched his palm and comforted him, "I'll go to the general control room immediately to see what's going on in front of me."

Lu Chen held his hand, looked at Gu Yu, and nodded deeply: "Go."

Liu really worried, he was covering his mouth and nose with his sleeve, choking at the thick smoke around him. His eyes were almost unable to open, and he staggered towards the light in the shaking cabin.

The light-haired male insect teenager was standing at the door of the bombed ship's cabin and indifferently reaching out to the ladder thrown by a ship outside.

His prison uniform was blown away by the strong wind, and his pale and beautiful face was expressionless, as if he was about to ride the wind the next second.

In the scene of successfully escaping the next second, a weak "brother" suddenly shouted out.

Fu Moran's ice-like look broke at that moment. I couldn't believe it. His eyes looked over with a complex voice: "How dare you... do you come up? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"No... don't go!"

He staggered against the wall and walked out of the thick fog: "Cough, cough, brother, don't go, don't go back... That's a road of no return, you can't go back!"

Fu kept a distant distance from him. He looked deeply at him with tears in his eyes. He suddenly pulled the corners of his lips and sneered: "Do you think I don't understand this is the way back? Dear Eun, you are still so naive - so stupid."

Fu always stood at the door of the cabin, narrowed his beautiful pale golden eyes and smiled, "Only when the whole Zerg walk on the road of no return can the insects be willing to turn back. Do you understand?"

"No! Cough..."

Yan reluctantly held the wall and half bowed his head and looked up at his brother with difficulty: "No, brother, extreme dealing with extremes and violent revenge can only hurt both sides and fall into an irreversible situation!"

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