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"I'm so happy to be home finally, it's been a long week." Sasha expressed while cooking dinner with Roman. Spencer and Sadie were playing in the living room now that they were all home.

"Yes it has, but if you need to go relax, go do what you need to do baby. Take some time for you. I'll get the kids and dinner if you need some alone time." Roman offered before turning his attention back to the dinner they were making.

"I'll be okay, I'll probably just take a bath or something after the kids go to bed. I wanna spend time with my babies after a crazy weekend." She smiled, kissing her boyfriend.

The four enjoyed their evening together as Sasha was just relieved to get some quiet and private time with her family. After a chaotic week, weekend, and Raw, it was safe to say she was ready to wind down and have her own privacy with her boyfriend and two young children.

After doing dinner, they watched a movie. Sasha got the kids ready for bed while Roman cleaned the kitchen. He gave her some space for her own alone time. Sasha took a bath as well as just clearing her mind in general, feeling overwhelmed with everything going on lately. She was relieved to get time to herself, but kept tossing and turning in bed once Roman met her upstairs later on.

"You okay?" Roman asked as she was tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable to fall asleep.

"No, just feeling overwhelmed." She admitted after sitting up in their bed.


"Everything. It's also just weird to be wrestling without Seth still. I'm sorry." She bit her lip, feeling guilty and vulnerable.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked, knowing her emotions were extremely valid.

"Because I feel bad. I love you so much, you've been amazing from day one. But I guess I'm still grieving." She shrugged and rubbed her tired eyes.

"Baby, don't apologize. I'm not going to judge you at all. You deal with things on your own terms. I'm just here to love and support you, as well as your kids. I'm here no matter what, it's okay." He assured her, kissing her hand.

"Thank you, Rom. I needed that and I love and appreciate you." She gave off a soft smile, snuggling up next to him. Roman smiled, holding her close and kissing the top of her head.

"Always got you baby." He promised, kissing her again and helping her relax for the night.

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