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scattered clothes and luggage everywhere are the first things you'll notice in han jisung's room. jisung recently completed his flight attendant training last month, and next week, he'll be embarking on his first flight bound for japan. currently, he's having a hard time selecting the clothes he'll bring with him on his inaugural flight as a flight attendant.

jisung chose to apply to SKZ Airlines and was eventually accepted. SKZ Airlines is one of the largest airlines in korea, renowned for its luxury and, of course, its dependable crew and captains.

"fuckkkk, i don't know what to bring with me!" the younger exclaimed, tossing his clothes haphazardly around the room.

the airline had informed him that he could only bring a limited amount of luggage, and as jisung was someone who placed great importance on fashion, this task proved to be a daunting challenge. considering that jisung's inaugural flight was an international one bound for japan, he was also intent on making the most of the experience by exploring the land of the rising sun during his stay.

"should i ask jeongin to help me?" he mumbled to himself.

he then retrieved his phone, dialing the youngest's number as he decided enlisting jeongin's help was the best course of action.

"innieee, can you come over?" he requested over the phone.

"why, hyung?"

"i need help urgently," he replied.

"mhm, i hope this isn't something stupid, hyung. alright, i'm on my way," jeongin responded from the other end, the sound of shuffling audible before the call concluded.


a few moments later, a soft knock could be heard from jisung's room. the latter immediately extricated himself from a pile of clothes and opened the door.

"what do you need help with, hyung?" jeongin inquired, observing jisung's room strewn with clothing.

"i need help deciding what to pack in my luggage," the other replied, flashing a cheeky smile at the youngest.

jeongin face-palmed before stepping into jisung's cluttered room.

jeongin's father is a pilot for the same airline that jisung is currently working at, so the latter thought jeongin might know how to solve his predicament.

"first, you need to bring extra uniforms, hyung. that's the most important," jeongin began, picking up some of the clothes and folding them.

"alrightyyy," the other responded, searching for his spare uniform and tucking it into his luggage.

"next, you should pack comfortable clothing for going out and some sleepwear,"

"mhmm," jisung hummed, retrieving the items jeongin recommended.

"and, of course, don't forget your underwear,"

"i would nevahhh," the other rejoined with a playful tone.

after jisung had readied his luggage, he settled down beside jeongin on his bed, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead.

"hyung... will you be alright?"

"i don't have a choice, innie. i basically did this to myself," jisung replied with a sigh, lowering his head as he messed up his hair.

"besides, i might have overcome it already, you know?"

jeongin nodded at his hyung hesitantly; for some reason, he felt uneasy.

"hey, what do you say we go hang out before my flight? i don't know how long i'll stay in japan, so why not go clubbing tonight?" jisung suggested, gazing at jeongin with a knowing smirk.

"whatever, hyung," jeongin replied, shaking his head at his hyung.

"that's a yes then! i'll go tell felix and the others. felix did mention to me that he also has a flight next week, though i don't know his destination," jisung rambled, scrambling to grab his phone.

jeongin rolled his eyes, letting the older do as he wished while he lay down on jisung's comfortable queen-size bed.

the loud ringing of jisung's phone was currently the only noise inside the room. it rang for a few more seconds before someone picked up.

"hey jiii," the person on the other end greeted.

"lixieee, let's go clubbing tonight!" jisung exclaimed, excitement laced in his voice.

"omg yes! i'm leaving for france next week, so we should really spend some time with the others!" felix said happily on the other end.

"is captain bang free tonight?"

"i'll send him a message. the usual place, ji?"


"okay then! i'll see you later, my jiji, mwah!" felix bid his goodbye, also ending the call.

jisung placed his phone back on his bedside table and threw a pillow at jeongin, who's quietly lying down on his bed, saying, "yah! innie, get changed,"

jeongin immediately sat up, also throwing a pillow at jisung. "you don't need to throw a goddamn pillow at me, hyung!"


since jeongin was currently at jisung's place, the latter let him borrow his clothes.

"hyung, does this look good?" jeongin asked, standing in front of the mirror as he checked himself out.

"mhm, i think it's okay," jisung mindlessly said, choosing his own clothes for tonight's night out with his friends.

"hyung! you're not even looking at me!" the youngest whined, turning to face jisung.

"look, innie, i also need to focus on my outfits. you don't know, maybe tonight i'll find the love of my life," the other remarked, experimenting with different clothing options.

jeongin sighed at his hyung, taking a seat on jisung's bed as he stared at the other having a fashion crisis.

as jisung was busy choosing clothes, his phone sounded with a series of notifications, grabbing jeongin's attention. jeongin then glanced at jisung's phone notifications, seeing messages from felix.

"hyung, felix said they're already outside," the youngest informed.

"what?! tell them i'm still not finished. you already know my password," he instructed.

jeongin then followed jisung's instruction, opening his phone and navigating to his chat with felix.

long lost twin
we're alrdy outside ur house come out
chan hyung brought a friend

hi felix hyunggg this is innie
jisung hyung is still getting ready

long lost twin
brooo wtf
tell him to hurry the fuck up 
we have a stranger with us

jeongin exited the app, placing jisung's phone back on the bedside table.

"hyung, felix hyung said channie hyung brought a friend with him, so hurry up," jeongin scolded.

"what? chan hyung brought a stranger?!" jisung exclaimed, finally done with getting ready.

"anyways, i'm done, so let's go now," he added, pulling jeongin along with him.


as soon as jisung left his house, he immediately spotted a car parked outside his gate.

"sorry, guys, hehe," jisung said, approaching the car with jeongin following behind.

chan then unlocked the car door, allowing the two to get inside. as jisung entered, he immediately noticed an unfamiliar face in the backseat. felix was in the passenger seat, chan was the driver, and this unfamiliar person was seated in the back with jisung and jeongin.

'wow, he's handsome,' jisung thought.

"ah! by the way, jisung, meet my friend and also a fellow pilot from SKZ Airlines, lee minho," chan introduced.

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