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it was already one in the afternoon when jisung woke up from his cuddle nap with minho. he was awoken by the sound of soft knocking at his door. when he opened his eyes, he found minho's arms wrapped around his body, sending shivers down his spine.

carefully, jisung removed minho's arms from around him, his lips pursed as he did. once he was free from minho's grasp, he got out of the bed and tiptoed to the door, opening it.

a lady was waiting there, pushing a cart full of food. "room service, sir," the lady stated.

jisung nodded, signaling for her to enter the room quietly since minho was still asleep.

the lady understood, pushing the cart of food into the room and placing the dishes onto the table.

once she finished, she exited the room, but before she left, she told jisung, "room service was scheduled for twelve, but when i knocked earlier, there was no response. i decided to try again after an hour. sorry for disturbing you and your husband, sir," she explained, giving jisung a bow before leaving.

jisung was about to correct her and say that minho wasn't his husband, but before he could speak, the lady had already left.

although he found himself blushing at her assumption, jisung chuckled to himself. he returned to the room, ate his portion of the food, and then covered minho's portion for him to eat later.

as he was eating, jisung glanced at minho, still peacefully asleep. "he seems like a heavy sleeper, huh?" he mumbled.

after finishing his meal, jisung's mind began to drift back to the earlier events, pulling him out of his still sleepy state. he felt a sense of urgency and made his way to the bathroom, tiptoeing to avoid making noise.

once inside the bathroom, he let out silent screams of frustration, his hands tugging at his hair. "what the fuckkkk..." he muttered to himself in exasperation.

he pondered the earlier events, trying to make sense of how the fuck he had become so bold. his mind raced as he berated himself. "han fucking jisung, you are fucked!" he exclaimed, pointing at his reflection in the mirror for emphasis.

he then glanced at the bathroom door, beyond which lay minho, sleeping peacefully, unaware that jisung had left his side.

"he probably hates me now," jisung mumbled to himself, fearing that his bold actions might have pushed minho away. he though that minho might have decided to let the situation be, even though it left him feeling anxious.

after contemplating his next move, jisung quietly exited the bathroom and the hotel room. standing in the hallway, phone in hand, he sent a message to someone.

upon receiving a reply, he started walking to who knows where, his thoughts in turmoil.


after walking for a while, jisung stopped in front of a door, softly knocking on it. he heard rustling sounds from the other side before the door swung open, revealing a tousled-haired hyunjin who was rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

hyunjin invited jisung inside, and without hesitation, jisung made himself at home. he had chosen to visit hyunjin's hotel room in an attempt to distract himself from his racing thoughts and the unfamiliar feelings swirling within him.

lounging on the couch, jisung's troubled expression was evident.

"what's wrong?" hyunjin asked, letting out a yawn.

"u-uh, just had a nightmare when i took a nap...," jisung lied, hoping that his words would come across as truthful.

hyunjin nodded, understanding jisung's explanation. he joined jisung on the couch, mumbling, "isn't room service at twelve? i'm hungry."

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