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jisung stayed at minho's condo for two days before deciding to return to his own home. currently, they were on their way to minho's car, and once again, jisung was dressed in minho's clothes.

"ji, are you sure you want me to meet your parents?" minho asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

"you introduced me to your mom, so it's only fair i introduce you to mine," jisung reasoned, hopping in place to encourage minho to hurry up.

minho reached his car, unlocked it, and jisung immediately made his way to the passenger seat. minho took his seat in the driver's seat, glancing at the excited male beside him. "you look excited," he commented with a chuckle.

"because my parents will finally meet you! they're at home right now, so it's the perfect time," jisung exclaimed, fastening his seatbelt eagerly.

minho chuckled at jisung's excitement. "we aren't even dating yet," he pointed out.

"hey, who said you can't introduce your family even when you're not dating?" jisung retorted, making minho shrug and drive off.


during the ride, jisung noticed the tension in minho's nerves. he reached out to minho's free hand, placing it on his lap and intertwining their fingers. "you'll be just fine, darling," he reassured, giving minho's hand a comforting squeeze.

minho glanced at their intertwined hands, feeling his nerves gradually easing thanks to jisung's thoughtful gesture. "i'm just worried about what they'll think of me," he admitted, his forehead creasing with concern.

"hyung, my parents are nice people. they won't judge you for who you are," jisung assured him with sincerity.

minho nodded in response to jisung's words, making an effort to believe in the younger's assurance. however, a lingering doubt still remained in a corner of his mind.


after an hour or two, they finally arrived at the han's mansion. jisung quickly exited the car, even taking the initiative to open minho's door for him.

"come on, hyung, my parents told me they have somewhere to be right now, so we need to hurry," jisung urged, grabbing minho's hand and leading him towards the house.

"wait, ji, your luggage," minho reminded, and jisung briefly released minho's hand so that minho could retrieve jisung's luggage from the trunk.

minho extended the luggage handle and pulled it alongside him, with jisung also guiding him by his other hand.

the two of them now stood in front of jisung's grand home, and it didn't take long for the tall door to swing open.

as the door opened, they were greeted by a woman wearing an elegant dress, adorned with diamond accessories.

"mom!" jisung exclaimed, throwing himself into her arms and embracing her warmly.

the woman chuckled, "jisung, you've arrived just in time, and you've brought a friend," she said in a soft, welcoming voice, casting a warm smile towards minho that bore a striking resemblance to jisung's.

"come in, come in," she encouraged, beckoning minho to enter.

minho stepped inside hesitantly, and as he did, he immediately noticed several maids dragging out some luggage and two individuals dressed in elegant clothing.

"brian hyung! dad!" jisung exclaimed, approaching the two men dressed in elegant attire from head to toe.

jisung's dad playfully greeted him with a headlock, ruffling his hair. "long time no see, jisung," he chuckled.

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