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after breakfast, jisung continued to hang out in hyunjin's room, engaging in lively conversations that echoed with laughter. they also decided to watch some random movies, further enjoying each other's company.

as they relaxed, jisung lounged on the couch, his body seemingly melting into its comfort. amidst their chat, an idea came to jisung's mind, and he turned to hyunjin with a suggestion.

"hey, let's go out while the rain hasn't started yet," he proposed, his voice carrying an air of laziness as he sprawled out on the couch.

hyunjin put a finger to his chin, a playful indication that he's thinking about it. "hmmm, where should we go then?"

jisung responded with a carefree shrug. "anywhere."

"sounds good to me," hyunjin agreed, his grin widening.

with their plans settled, hyunjin got up from the bed, preparing to change into appropriate clothes. seizing the opportunity, jisung decided to push his luck and cheekily asked, "hey, mind if i borrow some clothes?"

a mischievous glint danced in hyunjin's eyes as he raised an eyebrow, clearly teasing jisung. in a playful act of defiance, jisung snatched up a pillow and playfully hurled it at hyunjin. "come onnn, bestieee," he whined in a playful tone, hoping to convince his friend.

hyunjin chuckled at the sight before relenting. "fine, fine! go ahead and pick something out. just don't touch my designer stuff."

jisung's face lit up with a victorious grin as he hopped off the couch, eager to explore hyunjin's luggage for a suitable outfit.

he meticulously scanned through hyunjin's clothes, considering his options before settling on an oversized black graphic tee and a pair of straight-leg ripped jeans. he chose those particular clothes and got changed in the bathroom after hyunjin had finished changing.

once dressed, jisung examined himself in the mirror. "wow, i look extra short in your clothes," he commented, turning to observe himself from different angles.

"you ARE short, ji," hyunjin playfully emphasized, snickering on the side.

jisung let out an exaggerated huff in response to hyunjin's remark. "alright then, are you ready to go?" he asked.

hyunjin nodded, and with that agreement, they made their way to the hotel's exit, ensuring to notify everyone in the group chat about their plans.


the two of them decided to head to akihabara, with jisung eagerly expressing his desire to explore the area that he had been wanting to visit for a while.

they boarded a train bound for akihabara, as the area was a bit far from their hotel. currently, they were both inside the train, waiting for their stop.

"i didn't realize there was so much pressure that comes with riding a train," jisung commented dramatically, placing his hand over his chest.

hyunjin side-eyed him, despite showing the same nervousness earlier. "you've never taken a train in korea before?" he asked.

"nah, my friends usually pick me up or drop me off, and sometimes i just drive when i feel like it."

"are all rich kids like you? good thing i'm not rich," hyunjin teased.

jisung playfully smacked hyunjin's arm. "oh, come on, hwang. don't pretend you don't own a mansion back in korea."

"i don't!"

their playful bickering was cut short by the train's announcement of their arrival at akihabara station. the doors slid open, prompting the two to cease their teasing and step onto the platform.

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