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it was almost time for boarding, so the crew began making their way to the plane, with hyunjin and minho heading towards the cockpit.

before entering the cockpit, minho approached jisung, wrapping him in a warm embrace. "if you start feeling overwhelmed, just let jihyo noona and the others know. they'll take care of you," he whispered.

jisung returned the hug and nodded. "i will, captain. fly us to our destination safely, alright?" he whispered back, pulling away from the embrace.

"i promise," minho assured, gently brushing jisung's bangs away from his eyes. his hands then moved to caress jisung's cheeks, the tender touch making jisung blush.

"captain, people might see," jisung mumbled, feeling self-conscious.

minho chuckled softly at jisung's reaction, finding it adorable. he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on jisung's cheek before heading to the cockpit, a proud grin on his face.

stunned by the unexpected kiss, jisung placed his hands on his warm cheeks, feeling the lingering touch of minho's lips. "that guy..." he murmured, shaking his head slightly before refocusing on his duties.


all the passengers had already boarded the plane, and it was time for the safety briefing.

just as before, jisung was assigned to demonstrate the safety procedures. taking a deep breath, he confidently walked to the front of the cabin, offering the passengers his charming smile.

"good morning, ladies and gentlemen. welcome aboard SKZ airlines flight LK0825 bound for seoul. your safety is our top priority, so we kindly ask for your full attention as we go over important safety information," the familiar intercom voice announced.

having done this before, jisung felt more at ease this time. he maintained his professionalism as he demonstrated the safety briefing to the passengers, overhearing whispers from the crowd:

"he's so handsome!"

"damn, if i can't have a pilot, then i'll have the flight attendant."

"earlier, i saw him with the pilot of this plane. are they dating?"

the last sentence caught jisung off guard, but he didn't show it.

"thank you for choosing SKZ airlines. we're honored to have you on board. please sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight," the intercom concluded. with that, jisung returned to the crew seats.

as he glanced towards the cockpit door, a warm smile graced his lips. "good luck, captain mine," he whispered to himself.


it had been a few minutes after takeoff, and jisung was now moving through the cabin, ensuring safety and attending to passenger requests. he was careful not to look out of the plane window, as he knew it could trigger his panic.

while walking, a passenger called out to jisung. he approached her with a smile, asking, "how can i assist you, ma'am?"

"is it okay if i get your number?" the woman asked, giggling.

jisung was caught off guard by the question, but he maintained his professionalism. "i'm sorry, ma'am, but i cannot provide personal details, including my own or those of the crew. is there something else i can help you with?" he replied, maintaining his patient smile.

"are you single? if not, maybe we can go on a date after this flight," the woman persisted, her voice flirtatious.

jisung felt increasingly uncomfortable, trying to remain patient. "i apologize, ma'am. if you don't have any specific requests, i need to continue my duties. please feel free to relax and enjoy the flight."

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