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it was the next day, also minho's birthday. jisung had already greeted minho with a sweet message, but the older hadn't seen it yet. jisung understood; minho's flight had been long, and he must be resting now. besides, there was a significant time difference to consider.

currently, it was 5 in the morning, and jisung was already dressed in his airline uniform, doing one last check of his luggage before heading to his car and driving off to the airport. he was excited about this flight because he would get to see minho when he arrived in italy later.

as he drove to the airport, jisung couldn't help but imagine minho's reaction to his sudden appearance and the birthday gift he had prepared. a smile crept onto his face at the thought.

normally, jisung didn't drive the car, but in the past few months, he had become more comfortable with it, especially since he needed it to travel to the airport and back home.

after the long drive, he finally arrived at the airport. he dragged his luggage behind him as he searched for the room where the pre-flight briefing would take place, along with meeting the other crew members for this flight.

when he stepped into the room, a few heads turned in his direction, and his eyes immediately lit up as he saw a familiar face among the crew.

"chan hyung! hyunjin!" jisung exclaimed, running towards the two pilots and briefly embracing them.

"jisung, long time no see!" hyunjin replied, patting jisung's back.

"i heard minho is also in italy," chan commented, giving jisung a knowing smirk.

"haha yeah, i'm planning to surprise him, which is perfect because today is also his birthday," jisung responded.

hyunjin's face contorted in shock, his hands flying to his mouth. "oh, fuck! i forgot about that," he exclaimed.

jisung chuckled at hyunjin, patting his back. "don't worry, hyun. i'll make sure the tissue he feeds you is high-quality," he joked.

the three of them continued to converse while waiting for the other crew members to arrive. when they were all gathered, the captain began the pre-flight briefing, and after that, they lounged in the airport, waiting for the boarding process to begin.


the boarding process had begun, and currently, jisung was assisting the passengers. he recognized some of the crew he was working with on this flight, but they weren't as close as the ones he had worked with in japan.

on this flight, his duty was to perform cabin rounds, finally free from demonstrating the safety procedures.

"yeji, you're up," he informed the rookie flight attendant with a smile.

yeji was the one in charge of the safety demonstration. jisung and she had been on a flight together before, and it was also yeji's first flight as a flight attendant that time.

among the crew he was with currently, yeji was probably the closest to him. yeji had been introduced to him by ryujin when the three of them had a flight together, and they had eventually gotten along.

jisung had also learned that yeji was actually hyunjin's twin, which was a shocking revelation to him. seeing the similarities, he realized that they really looked alike.

jisung observed yeji as she smoothly performed the safety demonstration, and watching her made him recall the first time he had done it, prompting a soft chuckle to escape his lips. after the safety briefing, the captain's announcement sounded through the intercom.

"ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. on behalf of the entire flight crew, i'd like to welcome you aboard SKZ airlines flight HJ14. we are honored to have you on this journey with us," the intercom sounded.

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