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a few minutes before landing, the familiar intercom chimed in again.

"ladies and gentlemen, this is captain lee minho speaking. we are now beginning our descent into our destination, seoul. please ensure that your seat belts are securely fastened, and that your tray tables and seat backs are in their upright and locked position. if you haven't already, kindly stow away any larger electronic devices and return your seat to its upright position."

jisung perked up at the announcement, finding comfort in minho's voice. a smile tugged at his lips as he whispered to himself, "i knew you'd land us safely, captain mine."

"we greatly appreciate your cooperation throughout this flight and hope you've had a pleasant journey with us on SKZ airlines. thank you for choosing to fly with us, and we wish you an enjoyable stay in seoul or wherever your final destination may be. once again, thank you, and we wish you a wonderful day ahead." minho concluded smoothly.

with that, the cabin crew carried out one final round of checks to ensure passengers followed the captain's instructions before returning to their seats, preparing for landing.

the plane gradually descended, and this time, jisung didn't feel as tense as he had on the previous flight, knowing that minho was piloting the plane. moments later, the plane touched down in seoul, and the intercom chimed again.

"good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. this is captain lee minho speaking. we've safely arrived at our destination, seoul. on behalf of the entire crew, i'd like to thank you for choosing to fly with us on this journey.

i hope you had a comfortable flight with SKZ airlines. the local time here is 12:50 pm, with a temperature of 26 degrees celsius and 78 degrees in fahrenheit. the weather is currently sunny, so please dress accordingly when disembarking.

please remain seated until the seat belt sign has been turned off and the aircraft has come to a complete stop. we kindly ask that you keep your seat belts fastened whenever you are seated, in case of any unexpected movement.

if seoul is your final destination, we wish you a wonderful stay. if you're connecting to another flight, we hope you have a smooth and enjoyable journey ahead. once again, thank you for flying with us, and we look forward to serving you again in the future. have a great day!" minho concluded with his usual smooth tone.

the flight attendants then rose from their crew seats, ready to assist the passengers. jisung positioned himself by the exit, preparing to open it.

"jisung, are you sure you can handle opening the exit? your arms are injured, aren't they?" sana expressed her concern, her worry etched on her face.

"i'll be alright, noona. it's just a few scratches, and besides, this is the least i can do. i haven't done much during the whole flight," jisung responded with an apologetic smile, his guilt evident for not contributing more.

"ji, you know we don't mind that," sana reassured him, offering a warm smile before making her way to the aisle.

the aircraft came to a complete halt, and soon after, the seatbelt sign was turned off, indicating that jisung could finally open the heavy aircraft door.

passengers began exiting the cabin, and jisung greeted them with bows and a charming smile as he expressed his gratitude.

however, his smile faded as a familiar figure walked past him. the same woman who had harassed him earlier strutted by with a smug expression, momentarily causing his smile to falter. he quickly shook his head, regaining his composure.


once the cabin was empty, leaving only the flight attendants, the two captains stepped out of the cockpit.

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