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several years had passed since minho and minju settled everything between their parents, and jisung was accepted into their family. throughout these years, minho and jisung's love had remained unwavering despite their busy schedules. although they occasionally had arguments and fights, those disagreements never lasted more than a week, as neither of them could bear to go through a day without the other.

on their third anniversary as a couple, their parents gifted them a house of their own, a decision the two families reached together for their sons. currently, they resided in this new home. minho's condo unit was sometimes occupied by minju, while jisung's unit was occasionally visited by his cousin, jeongin.

"darling, did you feed the kids?" jisung called out from the kitchen, where he was preparing dinner for him and his boyfriend.

"i'm on it, love!" minho replied, promptly getting to his feet and preparing the food bowls, well aware that he'd receive a scolding from jisung if he didn't follow instructions immediately.

minho readied the food in the two bowls and called out, "soonie, doongie!"

in response, two ginger cats with white patterns emerged from various hiding spots, their hunger expressed through meowing.

"soonie, that's not yours!" minho scolded gently, picking up soonie and placing him in front of his designated food bowl.

minho gazed at their two "kids," a term he and jisung often used to refer to their beloved cats, with eyes full of love. sometime during their years together, minho had found an abandoned cat out in the pouring rain and decided to adopt it. jisung had no objections; in fact, he grew to adore the cat. when minho was away, soonie would be jisung's constant companion, and jisung treated the cat as if it were their child. when both of them were absent from home, they would enlist the help of friends or minju to look after their "kids," with jeongin and minju often taking on the role of cat-sitters.

doongie's story came after soonie. minho got doongie from a friend whose cat had given birth. he didn't want soonie to be lonely, so he decided to get him a little brother.

as minho continued to lovingly gaze at his two "kids," occasionally petting them, jisung appeared by his side. he had an apron tied around his waist, arms crossed over his chest, and a spatula in hand.

"what were you doing in our room that you forgot to feed the kids?" jisung asked, raising an eyebrow at minho, who was sitting beside the cats.

minho let out a nervous laugh in response to jisung's somewhat intimidating tone. "i was in the bathroom, love," he replied, turning his head to face jisung and offering a cheeky smile.

jisung arched an eyebrow further, a hint of suspicion in his expression. while he was a bit skeptical about minho's answer, he didn't dwell on it too much; he was more interested in teasing his boyfriend.

attempting to regain his composure under jisung's piercing gaze, minho silently hoped that his little white lie had been convincing enough, thinking to himself, 'i still need to clear my browsing history after this.'

a little while later, jisung decided to put an end to his teasing. he relaxed his expression, a small smile forming on his lips as he extended his hands toward minho, saying, "come on. dinner is ready. let's go eat."

minho grabbed jisung's hand, rising to his feet and dusting himself off. after he had finally stood up, minho gently placed a soft kiss on jisung's forehead, expressing his gratitude. "thank you for making dinner, love," he said in a warm and appreciative tone.

jisung responded with a smile, entwining his fingers with minho's as he led him toward the kitchen, excited to have him taste the food he had just prepared for the first time.


after their dinner, minho volunteered to wash the dishes, while jisung sat on the living room couch, with soonie resting on his lap and doongie sleeping beside him.

a few minutes later, minho joined jisung on the couch, sitting on the side where the other cat wasn't resting.

as soon as the couch dipped beside him, jisung leaned his head onto minho's shoulder. in response, minho swung his arm around jisung and gently ran his fingers through the latter's soft locks.

"love, i have a surprise for you," minho mumbled softly, shifting his gaze to jisung, who perked up at his words, their sparkling eyes locking with each other.

"what is it?" jisung asked, his eyes shining with anticipation.

minho smiled warmly and retracted his arm from jisung's shoulders. jisung watched minho's actions closely, curious about what the older was fishing out of his pocket.

jisung continued to watch with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, his eyes widening as he saw what minho pulled out of his pocket.

it was a pair of plane tickets to japan.

"min..." jisung trailed off, his eyes shifting between minho and the tickets.

"i know japan holds a special place in your heart, so why not visit it again?" minho said, waving the tickets in his hand.

jisung snapped out of his daze, his eyes softening. "it does, but why all of a sudden?" he asked, locking eyes with the person in front of him.

"why not? i'm not busy, and you're not busy, so why not seize the opportunity for an overseas date?" minho shrugged, placing the tickets down on the coffee table.

jisung's eyes welled up with tears of happiness. without hesitation, as soon as minho sat back from placing the tickets on the table, jisung tackled the older in a tight hug.

"what did i do to deserve you?!" jisung cried out, burying his head on minho's chest.

due to jisung's abrupt action, their two cats left the room with complaining meows, heading off to who knows what part of the house.

minho chuckled at jisung's adorable gestures, placing his hands on the younger's back and rubbing it in an up and down motion as he said, "shh, love, come on, you cry every time i surprise you with something."

"i'm not crying, okay?! i'm just happy," jisung retorted, a pout forming on his lips.

minho gently pulled away from jisung's embrace, cupping the younger's cheeks and cooing, "you're so cute," before peppering his face with kisses.

jisung whined in response, trying to push the older away. "minho, stop!" he protested.

the older pulled away with a chuckle, standing up from his position and taking the tickets with him. "let's go to our room now. it's getting late," he announced.

jisung nodded and followed minho to their room. "can i use the bathroom first? all that cooking made me really sweaty," he asked.

"of course, you can," was minho's response.

after they arrived in their room, jisung swiftly made his way to the bathroom, while minho went to sit at his desk, opening the computer.

"i hope this goes well," he muttered to himself, looking at the varieties of diamond engagement rings displayed on the screen.

"darling, can you please hand me my towel?" jisung called out from the bathroom.

"coming, love!" minho responded, exiting the tab and clearing his search history just in case jisung used the computer.

with that, minho stood up from his seat to hand jisung his towel, his heart racing with anticipation at his plan to propose to jisung in japan, finally deciding it was time to seal the deal.

ji's notes!
i'm still not well but oh well 🌚🌚

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