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the rest of the flight, jisung was on stand by as per minho's advice. jihyo and the other crew members looked after him, understanding his behavior as it was his first flight.

with only a few minutes left before landing, jisung heard the intercom again, and this time the voice from it was familiar.

"ladies and gentlemen, this is captain lee minho speaking. we are currently beginning our descent into our destination, tokyo. please ensure that your seat belts are securely fastened, and your tray tables and seat backs are in their upright and locked position. if you haven't already, please stow away any larger electronic devices and return your seat to its upright position."

"it's minho..." he mumbled, finding comfort in the voice from the intercom.

"we appreciate your cooperation throughout this flight and hope you had a pleasant journey with us on SKZ airlines. thank you for choosing to fly with us, and we hope you enjoy your stay in tokyo or wherever your final destination may be.

once again, thank you, and we wish you a great day ahead." the announcement concluded.

at that, the other crew members roamed the cabin, ensuring that everyone followed the captain's instructions before making their way back to their crew seats.

they remained seated on the crew seats, fastening their seatbelts as they awaited the plane's landing.

a few minutes later, the plane started descending. jisung closed his eyes and clenched his hands into fists, overwhelmed by everything.

and a few moments later, they finally arrived in tokyo. the intercom then sounded again with the same voice that had made the earlier announcements.

"good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. we hope you had a pleasant flight with SKZ airlines. we'd like to inform you that we have just landed at our destination, tokyo.

the local time here is 1:38 pm, with a temperature of 18 degrees celsius and 64.4 degrees in fahrenheit. the weather is currently rainy, so please dress accordingly when disembarking.

we kindly ask that you remain seated until the seat belt sign has been turned off. please keep your seat belts fastened whenever you are seated, in case of any unexpected turbulence.

on behalf of the entire crew, thank you for flying with us. if tokyo is your final destination, we hope you have a wonderful stay. if you're connecting to another flight, we wish you a smooth and seamless journey. we look forward to serving you again on another SKZ airlines flight. thank you and have a great day!"

minho concluded the announcement smoothly.

after the announcement, the plane came to a stop, and the crew stood up from their seats to assist the passengers.

jisung then looked out of the plane window, observing the gentle pitter-patter of the rain. now that they were on the ground, he felt calmer. being in charge of opening the rear exit near the cockpit, he waited for a few minutes before receiving the signal that he could proceed.

as soon as he opened the exit, passengers started exiting the cabin. he bid them goodbye and bowed to them as they left.

it took a while for all the passengers to leave the cabin. as they did, the pilots left the cockpit, and minho immediately made his way to jisung.

"hey, you okay?" minho asked.

jisung nodded his head before shifting his gaze to hyunjin.

"hey ji, how was your first flight?" hyunjin asked, his cheerfulness filling the now-empty cabin.

"it's okay... i think," jisung replied, his voice small.

minho glanced between them before making an announcement.

"the airline informed us that we'll stay here for three days as the weather isn't suitable for flying."

the crew cheered, and jisung's spirits lifted as he realized he had three days to explore tokyo.


the crew then exited the airport to head to the hotel the airline had booked for their stay.

after the flight, jisung and hyunjin grew closer, engaging in conversations here and there. they even sat beside each other in the van that would take them to the hotel.

throughout the ride, minho kept glancing at jisung and hyunjin as they laughed and talked behind him. jihyo noticed this and nudged his side, her eyebrows raising and lowering playfully as she gave minho a knowing look.

minho retaliated by nudging her back, giving her a glare, and then shifted his focus to the window beside him, attempting to tune out the noise behind him.


the drive to the hotel wasn't lengthy. they entered the luxurious-looking hotel and proceeded to the reception area.

minho then provided the receptionist with their booking details, and they promptly checked it.

"i'm sorry, sir, but your airline only booked two rooms for the males and four rooms for the females," the receptionist explained with a frown.

in this flight, there were five flight attendants and two pilots. among the flight attendants, four were female, and jisung was the only male. of course, there were the two pilots, minho and hyunjin.

"so, you're saying that two of the males have to share a room?" minho sought clarification, his tone tinged with disapproval.

"yes, sir."

"hyung, do you want a room to yourself? jisung and i can share," hyunjin suggested, picking up on minho's shift in mood.

"no need. jisung and i will share," minho stated firmly, causing hyunjin to flinch.

meanwhile, jisung ended up choking on his own saliva.

'me and minho will share a room?!' he internally screamed.

the receptionist handed them their keycards, and each of them headed to their rooms, with jisung following behind minho.

minho remained quiet as he scanned his keycard to access the room. upon opening the door, he was met with a spacious room featuring tasteful interiors and two beds.

'good thing there are two beds...' jisung thought, cautiously taking a peek inside.

minho stepped in, dragging his luggage with him, and jisung hesitated before entering.

"this is my bed," minho declared, selecting the one near the door and placing his luggage on it.

"then, i guess this one's mine," jisung said, heading to the other bed.

for some reason, jisung still felt uneasy being in close proximity to the older. firstly, he was still under the impression that he and minho had slept together, with jisung being the one on top. secondly, minho had just witnessed him crying his eyes out earlier.

jisung plopped onto the bed, the earlier events causing his face to flush.

'FUCK, I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAW THAT!,' he internally screamed.

jisung had been doing his best to avoid minho after the flight due to what had transpired earlier. instead, he chose to spend time with hyunjin.

however, he hadn't anticipated ending up sharing a room with minho.

he glanced over at minho, who seemed engrossed in his phone.

'he looks so serious most of the time that it's scary,' he thought to himself.

jisung stood up from the bed, retrieving his clothes from his luggage. feeling that it was still early, he decided he wanted to explore tokyo to make the most of their stay.

he laid out his clothes, deciding what to wear outside.

finally, he settled on an oversized hoodie and sweatpants, given the rainy weather.

as he made his clothing choices, he began to strip out of his airline uniform, not realizing he wasn't alone in the room.

"what are you doing...?"

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