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minju went back to her hotel room, the clicking of her heels echoing in the hallway. as she entered her room, she forcefully slammed the door behind her, making her way to the bed. she took off her heels and angrily threw them across the room.

frustrated screams escaped her lips, her long nails running through her hair. her moment of anger was then interrupted by the ringing of her phone. she picked it up, checking the caller id. gritting her teeth, she answered the call.

"minju, have you talked to minho?" the person on the other end asked.

"yes, dad. i have," she replied, her voice dripping with annoyance.

"what did he say?" her dad inquired further.

"he doesn't want to come, dad. can't you just understand that?" she snapped, tired of her dad asking the same question every time she called.

"minju! where are your manners?!" her dad scolded.

minju rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue in frustration. "look, minho doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. why do you act like he's the only child you have?!"

"he is my son and your older brother, lee minju! even if he doesn't want anything to do with me, he's still my son and the oldest at that," her dad explained, his voice rising in frustration.

"try persuading him again. if he wants to refuse, then he should tell me directly!" her dad added before abruptly ending the call, leaving no room for further discussion.

as the call ended, minju angrily threw her phone aside, letting out more frustrated screams. her hair was now a tangled mess, her mascara smudged from the tears that had escaped her eyes.

"minho this, minho that, did he forget that i'm also his child?!" minju vented her frustrations.

despite their dad choosing her family over minho's, minju still felt like her dad favored minho more. he paid less attention to her, always seeking out minho despite the older's reluctance to have any connection with their dad due to what he did to minho's mother.

minju lay down on her bed, replaying the events from earlier in her mind.

☆ flashback ☆

minju sat on her bed, idly scrolling through her phone when it suddenly started ringing. she glanced at the caller id and let out a deep sigh when she saw it was their father calling.

"hello? dad?" she greeted.

"minju, have you already wished your brother a happy birthday? i heard you two are on the same flight," their father asked from the other end.

"no, i haven't," she replied firmly.

"go and greet him later. and when you do, tell him to come home and celebrate his birthday with us," their father instructed.

"dad, with all due respect, i don't think he would listen to me," minju reasoned, doubting the possibility of minho coming back home to celebrate his birthday.

"you won't know that if you haven't tried, minju. don't come back here if minho's not with you," he stated sternly before ending the call.

minju let out an exasperated sigh before standing up from her bed to change her clothes. she also sent a message to some of the other crew members about minho's hotel room number. when she received a response, she headed in the direction of minho's hotel room.

when she arrived at minho's hotel room, she firmly knocked. receiving no response, minju assumed that her brother was not inside, so she decided to wait outside for a bit.

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