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"jisung, let's talk."

upon hearing those words from minho, jisung's body tensed, his heart racing in his chest as if it were in a marathon.

'what should i do? should i agree?' jisung's thoughts raced, the memory of their recent encounter in the restroom still fresh in his mind, casting a shadow over his feelings.

noticing jisung's hesitation, minho, driven by his determination to mend their situation, reached out and gently held onto jisung's wrist. his eyes were filled with a pleading shimmer, a silent plea for understanding.

"please?" minho's voice held a soft urgency as he gazed into jisung's eyes.

jisung felt his resolve waver at minho's sincere gesture and the intensity in his eyes. the sight of minho's eyes, which seemed to hold the entire universe, made him melt inwardly. after a moment of consideration, he let out a sigh and reluctantly agreed, "okay."

minho's heart couldn't help but swell with a mixture of relief and gratitude at jisung's response. a small smile tugged at his lips, revealing his signature bunny teeth. he gently guided jisung to sit next to him, and the younger complied, taking his seat.

as they faced each other, minho took a deep breath, preparing himself for the emotional rollercoaster this conversation might lead to.

jisung noticed the tension in minho's demeanor, and despite his lingering anger, he extended his hand towards minho, intertwining their fingers and offering a reassuring squeeze.

"i'm here to listen to whatever you have to say, minho. take your time," jisung assured him, accompanied by a comforting smile.

minho's eyes welled up with tears as he felt overwhelmed by his emotions. jisung's willingness to lend an ear, even while harboring his own frustration, was touching beyond words.

fighting back the tears, minho took another deep breath and began to explain, his voice a mixture of regret and vulnerability, "jisung, i know that saying sorry isn't nearly enough to make up for what i've done, but i want you to know that... i'm sorry for everything. i wanted to confront these feelings i have for you, but i'm scared."

jisung listened attentively to minho's explanation, his grip on the older's hand tightening in support as he continued to hold onto him.

minho's voice wavered as he spoke, his emotions evident in the tears that streamed down his face. the weight of his suppressed feelings was palpable in every word he uttered.

"instead of confronting them... i chose to suppress them because... of what happened to my parents. a-and i don't want the same to happen to me," minho's voice trembled with vulnerability, the pain of his past echoing through his words.

seeing minho in this state tugged at jisung's heart, prompting him to gently ask, "what happened to your parents...? if you're comfortable sharing it, i'm here to listen."

minho shook his head, indicating his willingness to share his painful past with jisung. "it's okay, you deserve to know," he assured, wiping his tears with his free hand as he tried to regain his composure.

taking a deep breath, minho collected his thoughts before delving into the painful story of his parents' relationship.

"my dad was a pilot, he worked for a different airline than me, and my mom was a model. at first, they had a seemingly wonderful relationship. everyone envied them, even my friends envied the family i had, because they believed my mom and dad truly loved each other," he began.

"but everything changed one day. i was twelve at the time when my dad came home drunk. my mom wasn't pleased with him coming home late at night, let alone drunk. so, they had a fight," minho continued, his voice carrying the weight of those memories.

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