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the group had finished eating, but they decided to linger in the ramen shop a bit longer due to the on-going rain.

jisung rested his head on his hand, idly gazing outside and observing the people walking by. meanwhile, hyunjin and minho were engrossed in their phones.

growing tired of the prevailing silence, jisung redirected his attention and decided to break the ice. he shifted his gaze toward minho, who was focused in his phone.

"so, captain, how did you find this place?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

hearing jisung's voice, minho raised his head to look at him, closing his phone and placing it back onto the table. hyunjin, who had also been engrossed in his phone, perked up at jisung's question, deciding to listen as well.

"that's a nice question. the time i found this ramen shop is actually one of the best moments for me as a pilot traveling around the world," minho said, his voice laced with happiness as he continued with his story.

"i was just a new pilot at that time, probably six months in, and it was also my first flight bound for japan."

"the weather that day was similar to today, so we also had to wait for a while. the hotel we were booked in was also the same one we're staying in now."

"since it was my first time in japan, i decided to roam around, looking for a place to relax or eat. then suddenly, it started raining, so i went to the closest place i could find shelter, and it just happened to be this ramen shop."

"as soon as i got inside, i was greeted by the comforting smell of ramen and the homely feel of the place, just like jisung said. since i was already here, i decided to try their ramen, and it turned out to be one of the best i've had," minho continued, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"i also found out that this place is family-run, so that made it even better. now, every time i go back to japan, i make sure to visit this place," he concluded, promptly looking at hyunjin and jisung's reactions.

"woah, i didn't know this place held that kind of importance to you, hyung," hyunjin remarked, offering minho an apologetic smile as he realized he had initially doubted the place.

"have you brought anyone else here, captain?" jisung asked, tilting his head to the side as his gaze remained fixed on minho.

"no one yet. you guys are the first," minho confirmed.


"mhm, i was going to bring chan here once when we were on the same flight, but he chose to stay in the hotel," minho explained.

jisung shifted his gaze to the empty bowl in front of him. for some reason, his heart felt warm hearing minho's words.

"shucks, good thing i came with you guys, or else i wouldn't have been able to visit this place," hyunjin pouted in minho's direction.

minho gave him a nonchalant shrug, picking up his phone and returning his attention to it.

"but sayyy, that means jisung would have been the first one you brought here if i hadn't come? talk about favoritism!" hyunjin exclaimed, playfully tapping the table.

jisung felt his ears grow warm at hyunjin's words. he glanced sideways, studying minho's expression.

minho responded with a blank stare before opening his mouth to reply, "jisung is a new flight attendant, and he wants to explore tokyo as much as he can. since i want him to remember his first flight here, i brought him to this place."

listening to minho's explanation, jisung's lips pursed as he fought back a smile, his fingers subtly fidgeting beneath the table. 'why does everything he says make me feel all warm and fuzzy?' he wondered to himself.

hyunjin shot minho a suspicious glance, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing, "whatever, i don't need you to give me a tour of tokyo anyway!"

while hyunjin rambled on in front of him, minho stole a quick glance at jisung, who seemed to be lost in thought and fidgeting slightly.

interrupting the conversation, hyunjin stood up and stretched his limbs. "alright, let's get going. it's still early, so we can check out another place."

minho rose as well, noticing that jisung appeared somewhat distant. he reached over and gently tapped jisung's shoulder, saying, "jisung, we're heading out."

startled, jisung snapped out of his reverie at minho's words, quickly getting to his feet and following behind minho and hyunjin as they left the ramen shop.


the three were now strolling the streets of tokyo, the rain having ceased its heavy downpour and reduced to a gentle drizzle.

hyunjin was enthusiastically recounting his recent stay in france to minho, while the latter appeared lost in his own thoughts.

minho eventually glanced sideways for jisung, only to realize that the younger was no longer beside them. he turned around and spotted jisung trailing behind, his arms wrapped tightly around himself as he shivered in the cold.

leaving the chattering hyunjin behind, minho hastened his steps back to where jisung was, his expression marked with concern. "hey, you okay?" he inquired.

jisung's breath formed visible puffs of cold air as he replied, "just a bit cold. seems like the hoodie isn't doing much." he managed a weak chuckle.

without hesitation, minho shed his own coat and draped them around the trembling jisung. "put this on," he insisted.

caught off guard by the gesture, jisung grasped minho's wrist gently, preventing him from proceeding. "but captain, you need it," he protested.

"you need it more than i do," minho responded matter-of-factly, proceeding to cover jisung with his clothes.

after jisung was enveloped in minho's coat, the alluring scent of the older's perfume reached his senses, causing a rush of warmth to his cheeks as he thought to himself, 'he smells so good.' embarrassed by his own musings, jisung found himself blushing, his attention momentarily derailed.

unaware of minho's actions, jisung failed to notice when the older took hold of his hand. when he finally realized, he bashfully averted his gaze and softly inquired, "what are you doing?"

minho's reply was gentle, his fingers interlacing with jisung's as he said, "your hand is cold. i'll share my warmth with you." with that, he pulled jisung gently by his side, and started walking again.

jisung attempted to dismiss the sensation of minho's hand in his, but his efforts proved useless. inside his mind, he silently lamented, 'fuck! he's so warm.'

a voice suddenly broke their private moment. "yah!, where did you disappear to? when i looked beside me, you were gone!" hyunjin's exclamation was directed at minho.

upon noticing the entwined hands, hyunjin wore a mischievous grin and quipped, "alright, i'll go on ahead."

before he could make a move, minho reached out and grabbed his collar with his free hand. "i was just about to leave you guys to your date!" hyunjin teased.

minho's response was firm and devoid of any amusement. "what date?" he retorted sternly.

"i already told you, i feel like i'm third-wheeling," hyunjin complained, making an attempt to swat minho's hand away from his clothes. he rolled his eyes as he voiced his feelings.

the entire situation had become increasingly awkward for jisung, prompting him to step in and attempt to fix it...hopefully.

"well then, hyunjin, why don't you just hold minho's other hand?" he proposed, a playful grin playing on his lips.

hyunjin whipped his head around to stare at jisung, flabbergasted. "what?"

minho, too, redirected his gaze towards jisung, perplexed. "what?"

with all eyes now fixated on him, jisung began to feel a wave of overwhelm wash over him. he stammered, his uncertainty evident, "what...? did i say something wrong?"

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