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after finishing their dinner, the three returned to their hotel. minho lent a hand by carrying jisung's shopping bags, and he intertwined his free hand with jisung's, using the chilly weather as an excuse.

upon entering the hotel, they were greeted by jihyo and the other flight attendants waiting in the lobby.

"captains! jisung!" jihyo called out, waving excitedly toward them.

"noona! i have so much to tell you," hyunjin exclaimed, rushing over to join jihyo and the others.

as hyunjin animatedly began sharing the day's events, jihyo and the others got caught up in his story, seemingly forgetting about minho and jisung's presence.

"minho hyung even paid the bill!" hyunjin exclaimed, making exaggerated hand gestures while the others listened intently.

noting that they had been forgotten, minho gently tugged at jisung's arm, silently indicating that they should make their exit. "let's head back to our room," he suggested.

feeling the tug, jisung turned his head toward minho, his gaze then shifting to their intertwined hands. their hands had been linked since earlier, but this time, jisung felt an unusual warmth that seemed to spread within him.

with a subtle nod, jisung conveyed his agreement, and that was all minho needed. he started leading jisung away from the lively scene, heading back to their hotel room, a sense of contentment lingering between them.


as minho opened the door to their room, jisung wasted no time in flopping onto his bed.

minho followed suit, placing jisung's shopping bags near his bed. jisung's gaze followed minho's actions. "thank you, captain," he expressed before rising from his spot.

minho gave a brief nod of acknowledgment before settling onto his bed, propping himself up against the headboard.

unpacking his bags one by one, jisung eventually retrieved the bag containing the plushie minho had gifted him. he opened it and carefully arranged it on his bed.

observing jisung, minho noted that the younger had already pulled out the plushie he had bought for him.

"you like it?" minho asked, a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

turning to face minho, jisung offered a gentle smile, his lips forming a heart shape as he voiced his feelings. "i love it, captain. thank you again."

upon witnessing that smile from jisung, minho felt somersaults within him. he mirrored the smile, responding, "i'm glad you like it. honestly, i wasn't sure if you're into plushies or not. i just went with the first thing that came to mind,"

"i do like plushies, and even if i didn't, i would still appreciate the gift you gave me," jisung replied sincerely.

minho quirked an eyebrow, intrigued. "so, what will you name him?"

"mhm, minnie."

"minnie?" minho questioned, adjusting his position to get a better view of jisung on the bed.

"yeah, like i said, it looks like you. so, minho, minnie," jisung explained, placing the plushie on his lap as he affectionately stroked its head.

minho kept his gaze fixed on jisung, observing how the younger interacted with the plushie.

as jisung played with the plushie, his earlier thoughts resurfaced. 'i should probably take responsibility for my actions that night,' he contemplated.

taking a deep breath, jisung gently placed the plushie back onto the bed. "c-captain, i want to take responsibility for what happened that night," he began.

"what?" minho asked, genuine confusion etched across his features.

"you already know what i mean!" jisung blurted out, his cheeks flaming as he thought minho was teasing him.

"oh, that. you don't need to take responsibility for something you didn't mean to happen, jisung," minho reassured, his gaze shifting to the ceiling.

"besides, i'm not a girl you'd find attracted in a club, flirt with, and end up–" before minho could finish his sentence, jisung abruptly stood up, his face beet-red as he pointed at minho.

"do. not. continue," jisung warned, his eyes widening in panic and embarrassment.

minho looked at jisung and let out a chuckle. "alright, i won't."

jisung then sat back down, trying to distract himself by checking his shopping bags. "so, captain, was i... good?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of nervousness.

initially, minho was puzzled by jisung's question, but he eventually deduced that the younger was asking about his behavior while drunk. "at first, you weren't, because of what you did to me. but later on, i guess you were good?" uncertainty tinged his response.

jisung's face turned even redder, his heart racing in his chest. 'so, i was good in bed?' he thought, flustered.

while jisung was lost in his thoughts, minho stood up from his place, removed his scarf, and retrieved some clothing from his luggage. "i'll go use the bathroom first, is that alright?" he asked jisung.

looking up at him, jisung nodded. "yeah, i can wait."

with permission granted, minho headed to the bathroom, leaving jisung to his contemplations.

"i feel bad that even after what happened, he's still treating me nicely," jisung mumbled to himself.

"oh shit! i'm still wearing his coat," jisung exclaimed, finally realizing the situation and quickly taking off minho's coat.

sighing as he missed the warmth that minho's coat provided, he went over to minho's bed to place the coat there. but as he did so, he caught a whiff of the older's perfume, and his curiosity got the best of him.

bringing the coat up to his nose to get a better smell of the fragrance, jisung thought to himself, 'it just smells so fucking good.'

just as he was lost in the alluring scent, the bathroom door swung open, revealing minho with wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist.

"i forgot my–" minho's words trailed off as he saw jisung sniffing his coat.

jisung froze in his tracks, his face turning red in embarrassment. in a split second, he violently threw the coat back onto the bed and faced minho, his cheeks still flushed and his gaze averted.

"i-i just wanted to know what kind of perfume you use," he stammered, fidgeting with his fingers.

minho raised an eyebrow at the flustered jisung, a playful glint in his eyes.

seeing minho's raised eyebrows, jisung couldn't help but take a big gulp. 'han jisung, how many times are you going to embarrass yourself in front of the captain!??!??!?!'

as jisung remained silent, seemingly lost in his thoughts, minho gave him a casual shrug and headed to his luggage to fetch whatever he had forgotten.

jisung's eyes followed minho's every movement, like a deer caught in headlights. he was afraid that any action he make might result to minho accusing him of the worst crimes.

minho felt jisung's intense gaze but decided not to make a big deal out of it. after retrieving what he needed, he headed back to the bathroom. however, before closing the door, he turned his head slightly, not fully facing jisung, and said, "by the way, you can keep my coat if you'd like."

jisung was left utterly dumbfounded by minho's unexpected statement. as soon as the bathroom door closed, he dropped to his knees and began tugging at his hair in frustration, muttering to himself, "WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!??!!"

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