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after their lunch in the cafe at the lobby, the two returned to their shared hotel room. for some reason, jisung was feeling unwell, which was why they decided to come back early.

upon entering the room, jisung plopped onto the bed with an audible groan. "my head hurts," he complained, his voice slightly nasal.

minho sat down beside jisung, concernedly assessing his condition. he placed his hand on jisung's forehead to check his temperature. "you're burning up," he noted, quickly retracting his hand as he sensed the warmth radiating from the younger.

"it's probably because i got rained on yesterday," jisung explained with a cough, his voice muffled due to his stuffy nose.

minho's expression turned even more worried, particularly since he was aware that jisung had gotten caught in the rain because of their restroom encounter. "i'll go buy you some medicine and soup. just stay here," he said, moving to grab his belongings.

but jisung wasn't so keen on that idea. he stood up, reaching out to gently grip minho's wrist. "hyung, you don't have to. it's pouring outside, and i don't want you to catch a cold," he protested.

minho's heart warmed at jisung's concern for him, yet he persisted, a playful glint in his eyes. "i'll be fine, sung. umbrellas exist for a reason, right?" he quipped, recalling jisung's words from their first day in japan.

he continued with a sincere tone, "plus, i won't just stand by and watch you in this state." minho gently removed jisung's hand from his wrist and affectionately ruffled his hair.

jisung pouted at minho's persistence, but did he really have a choice? minho was known for being stubborn and resolute.

"okay... just make sure to come back as soon as possible, alright? don't stay out too long. you might catch a cold," jisung cautioned, his concern evident in his voice.

minho responded with a reassuring smile. he leaned over and planted a soft kiss on jisung's forehead. "i'll be back, sungie," he promised.

jisung watched as minho exited the room, a gentle smile gracing his lips at the older's affectionate gestures. he then walked over to his own bed first, grabbing the cat plushie before settling onto minho's bed. he was already starting to miss the comforting presence of the older.


it didn't take long for minho to return to the hotel room, having hurried back with the items he'd bought. he didn't want jisung to be alone while feeling unwell.

quietly, minho turned the doorknob and gently opened the hotel room door, ensuring not to make any noise in case jisung was resting. as he stepped inside, he saw jisung sitting at the table, his arm movements focused on something.

minho tiptoed towards jisung, intending to surprise him. as he got closer, he peered over jisung's shoulder to see what he was doing.

unaware of minho's presence, jisung continued to work on crafting bead accessories.

"beads...?" a voice suddenly asked from behind him, causing jisung to jump slightly.

"hyung! you're back already? you didn't tell me," he exclaimed, his orbs lighting up upon seeing minho.

"i saw you were busy, and i didn't want to disturb you," minho replied, taking a seat beside jisung and placing the bag containing medicine and warm soup on the table.

"and where did you get these beads?" he asked, looking at the kit of crafting materials on the table.

"oh, sana noona and yuna came by earlier. they asked if i wanted to keep myself occupied by making bead accessories, so i agreed," jisung explained.

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