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jisung had dozed off inside the car during the journey to tokyo skytree, only to be awakened by the driver gently shaking him from the front seat and announcing, "sir, we've arrived."

he stirred, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and thanked the driver before stepping out of the car, ensuring he didn't forget the paper bag with the plushie inside.

as he exited the vehicle, jisung noticed that the moon had risen, casting a soft glow over the city, which twinkled with the light of countless stars. the tokyo skytree, adorned with colorful lights, stood tall among the surrounding buildings and skyscrapers, a magnificent sight to behold.

jisung couldn't help but admire the view when he was approached by a voice from behind. he turned to find the driver walking toward him with a note in hand, explaining, "mr. han, i almost forgot, mr. lee told me to give you this when we arrived at skytree."

with the note in his hand, jisung unfolded it eagerly, curious about what minho had planned next.

how about we go to the aquarium first, my love?

the note read. jisung instantly grasped its meaning and made his way into the tokyo skytree, heading in the direction of the sumida aquarium.


jisung made his way to the aquarium with a growing sense of suspicion. the unusual and elaborate game minho had set up had left him wondering about the older's intentions. why would minho go to such lengths and expenses for a simple game? the staff's welcoming gestures and the lack of visitors in the tokyo skytree only deepened his curiosity.

as jisung arrived at the sumida aquarium, he was immediately drawn to a small table in the center of the room. his eyes welled up with tears as he took in the sight before him. on the table lay a collection of photographs that jisung had taken when the crew had visited the aquarium. every photo was there, including shots of the crew and, most importantly, the ones featuring minho.

jisung carefully picked up a photograph of himself and minho, lifting it and placing it in the exact spot where they had taken the original picture. tears welled up in jisung's eyes as a flood of memories from their first visit to the aquarium rushed through his mind. the emotional wave overtook him, and he couldn't help but feel a deep connection to japan, a place that had come to hold a special place in his heart.

returning the photograph to its spot on the table, jisung began looking at the other pictures. a smile danced on his lips as he remembered the moments he had captured in those photos.

"hyunjin and noona," he chuckled, seeing a candid and funny shot of hyunjin and jihyo. it had been many years since their visit to the tower, and jisung couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. he missed the people he had been with on his first flight, and the moments they had shared in japan were some of the best he never wanted to forget.

as he sifted through the photographs, another familiar note caught his eye. jisung picked it up, wiping away the slight traces of tears to read it clearly.

come up here, love. i'm waiting :)

the note simply read.

jisung couldn't help but chuckle, his heart warmed by minho's mysterious and thoughtful game. although he remained slightly suspicious of minho's intentions, he was thoroughly enjoying every part of this game.


jisung made his way to the highest floor of the tower, knowing that minho was waiting for him there. he hoped minho hadn't fallen asleep while waiting, considering the time it had taken to reach the top due to the towering height of the building.

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