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jisung proposed watching a sad movie to match the gloomy ambiance created by the heavy downpour outside.

he comfortably lounged on his bed, wrapped in a duvet and hugging "minnie" tightly in his arms. his attention was fixed on the mounted tv in the middle of the room.

meanwhile, minho sat on his own bed, his eyes aimed at the television, but his mind was wandering elsewhere. he was grappling with his emotions for jisung, attempting to understand the unfamiliar feelings swirling within him. 'i don't like him,' he repeated to himself, determined to convince himself otherwise.

'he's just a fun friend to be around,' minho tried to convince himself further, sneaking a glance at jisung wrapped in the duvet like a burrito, looking incredible tiny and cute.

unconsciously, a smile crept onto minho's face as he observed jisung, and he promptly shook his head, affirming that he merely found jisung cute, nothing more.

jisung, completely absorbed in the movie playing on the tv, remained unaware of minho's internal struggle.

shifting his attention from jisung, minho focused on his own lap, nervously fidgeting with his fingers as he grappled with his feelings. 'you don't like him, lee minho,' he repeated to himself, hoping to silence the turmoil within.

as the movie reached a sad scene, jisung briefly glanced at minho to check if he was watching with him. however, he noticed that minho had his head down, preoccupied with playing with his fingers, a frown etched on his face.

jisung assumed that minho was still feeling guilty about the earlier incident. he got up from his spot, bringing "minnie" with him, and walked over to minho's bed.

minho remained deep in thought, oblivious to the bed dipping and the appearance of a black cat plushie in front of him.

"captain lee, please don't be sad," jisung said in a playful voice, pretending that the plushie was speaking. he moved the plushie around like a puppet, trying to bring a smile to minho's face.

minho's heart did somersaults within him, his emotions fluttering at the sight of jisung trying to comfort him using the plushie he had gifted him.

a soft chuckle escaped minho's lips, and he gazed at the plushie with a gentle smile. meeting its "eyes," he said, "the captain isn't sad anymore."

with that, jisung carefully placed the plushie on the bed, locking eyes with minho, his own eyes reflecting a mixture of sincerity and warmth.

minho found himself taken over by a strange impulse, his words escaping without much thought, "wanna cuddle?"

jisung was visibly surprised by the unexpected invitation. he was tempted to agree, but a sense of uncertainty clouded his mind. their relationship was still undefined, whether they are friends or not, leaving him unsure whether it was appropriate for them to suddenly cuddle.

observing jisung's hesitance, minho's regret washed over him almost instantly. he mumbled, "nevermind," as he tried to backtrack on his words.

however, before minho could fully register what was happening, he felt a duvet being draped over him. he blinked in surprise as he realized that jisung had settled in beside him, also wrapped up in a duvet. "i'm cold," jisung explained simply.

heat rushed to minho's cheeks, his heart racing from their newfound closeness. he attempted to suppress his nerves, fixing his gaze on the tv screen while jisung's warmth enveloped him.

beside him, jisung also focused on the tv, clutching "minnie" in his arms, a sense of contentment settling over both of them as they shared the moment.


the rhythmic sound of raindrops tapping against the window blended with the soft murmurs from the tv, creating a soothing atmosphere within the room. jisung's gentle snores joined the ambient sounds.

somewhere during the movie, jisung had drifted off into sleep, his head finding a comfortable resting place on minho's shoulder. this unexpected closeness caused minho to freeze in place, fearing that any movement might disturb the younger's peaceful slumber.

after careful consideration, minho made his decision. he carefully laid jisung down on his bed, ensuring that the plushie remained securely in the younger's grasp. he tucked the duvet around jisung, planning to switch to the other bed himself.

as he started to rise from his bed, he felt a gentle tug on his wrist. jisung, still half-asleep, implored him, "stay with me," in a raspy voice.

minho's heart warmed at the sleepy request, thinking it might be a product of jisung's dreams. he tried to extract his wrist from jisung's hold, but it was surprisingly firm.

"lay with me, minho," jisung added, blinking one of his eyes open with a drowsy yet endearing expression.

the unexpected boldness in jisung's voice caught minho off guard, but he isn't really complaining.

minho gulped before complying, lying down stiffly beside the younger.

as he lay down, jisung immediately draped his hand over the older, leaning to his side and facing minho with his eyes closed.

jisung's hot breath against his neck made minho's mind go blank. he could feel the warmth emanating from jisung, and the sweet scent of the younger's cologne filled his senses.

lying on his back, minho stared at the ceiling, his mind filled with contemplation about their current situation. he thought about how the fuck they had ended up like this, and he couldn't help but recall how jisung had asked him to lie down with him earlier, 'he didn't even call me captain,'

glancing to his side, minho almost felt like he was having a heart attack. his face and jisung's were just inches apart, their lips almost brushing against each other.

regret instantly washed over minho, yet at the same time, he found himself unable to move from his position.

jisung's long lashes rested on his face, his tousled hair, puffy cheeks, and the gentle pout on his lips—everything seemed perfect to minho's eyes.

he kept on staring, admiring every detail of the younger's features, to the point that he didn't even notice jisung was feigning sleep.

"you like what you see?" jisung mumbled, his voice raspy, his eyes still closed, and a small smirk gracing his lips.

at that, minho turned to the other side, his face beet-red as he heard the younger softly chuckling at his side.

feeling utterly embarrassed, minho then playfully kicked jisung's legs, and the younger retaliated by kicking him back. jisung put an end to their little battle as he covered the both of them with a duvet, their legs tangled under the covers.

"i'm sleepy, captain. let's resume this later," jisung mumbled, a small yawn escaping his lips.

he then turned to his side, his back against minho, and his cuddling buddy now being the plushie.

meanwhile, the pounding of minho's heart still didn't halt. he placed his hand over his chest in a poor attempt to calm his racing heart.

'han jisung, you're going to be the death of me,' he thought, his mind a whirlwind of mixed emotions.

ji's notes!
ya'll i was looking at my outline for this story earlier and realized it's gonna take me long to finish this 😭😭
anyways expect slow updates soon because i need to focus on my studies as it's my last year as a senior and i'm off to college. but anw i will try my best to make updates!

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