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it was the day of their departure to japan, and describing minho's nervousness as extreme would be an understatement. every minor occurrence made him jump, afraid that the slightest movement might reveal his plan to jisung. although jisung had noticed minho's unease and had asked him several times, but minho had simply responded with an unconvincing "i'm fine" or "it's probably just the coffee." jisung was concerned but decided to let it go for now.

currently, they were already on the plane bound for japan, enjoying the perks of their profession with first-class tickets. jisung occupied the window seat, occasionally gazing outside, having conquered his fear of heights. at this moment, he leaned his head against minho's shoulder, dozing off with his arms wrapped around his beloved cat plushie, minnie.

earlier, jisung had been reluctant to leave their cats behind for the first time. whenever they had to leave them before, it had been for work, but this time, it was a vacation, and he wished he could take them along. however, he knew it would be complicated. minho did his best to comfort and assure jisung that their cats would be safe at home with jeongin watching over them. so, before they left, jisung had spent precious time with their fur babies leaving minho feeling a tad jealous, but he understood.

meanwhile, minho was engrossed in his phone, meticulously checking and double-checking every detail to ensure that everything went perfectly according to plan. his heart raced in his chest, and anxiety churned in his stomach at the thought of jisung not being ready for the next step in their relationship.

the primary source of minho's distress lay in his concern about the outcome of his impending proposal. he worried incessantly about whether jisung would accept the ring or not. here he was, silently praying to every deity imaginable, hoping that jisung would joyfully embrace the ring on his finger when the moment arrived.

as the troubling thoughts resurfaced, beads of sweat began to trickle down minho's forehead, despite the cold air in the cabin. he grew increasingly restless in his seat, constantly shifting, which caught jisung's attention. jisung raised his head, his eyes filled with concern as he gazed at his boyfriend.

"darling, are you okay?" jisung asked, his lips downturned, and his tone dripping with worry and concern.

minho turned his head swiftly towards jisung, feeling guilty for disturbing the younger with his actions. "y-yeah, i'm fine," he stammered, trying to reassure jisung, though his nervousness was palpable.

"you're clearly nervous about something, minho. come on, tell me," jisung urged, giving his full attention to the person beside him.

minho shook his head immediately, whispering, "i can't tell you yet," his voice barely above a murmur.

although curious, jisung chose to respect minho's boundaries and nodded in understanding. instead, he gently placed his hand on top of minho's head and encouraged him to lean against his shoulder. "take a nap. it might help ease your mind whatever it is that's making you nervous," he suggested in a warm tone that melted minho's heart and sent butterflies dancing in his stomach. his earlier distress faded away in the warmth of jisung's bright and comforting presence, a radiant embodiment of the sun.

comforted by jisung's soothing presence, minho began to relax. observing minho's increasing calmness, jisung ran his fingers gently through minho's hair, hoping to further distract and soothe him. eventually, minho succumbed to sleep, exhaustion from his earlier anxiety taking its toll.

while waiting for the plane to land, jisung continued to offer comfort to minho through gentle gestures, accompanied by a soft tune that he hummed, filling the cabin with a soothing melody.


before long, the familiar announcement echoed through the cabin, signaling their impending landing in japan.

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