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the sun began to rise, casting a warm glow through the window and bringing with it a gentle breeze that stirred the room. it slowly roused the sleeping figure beneath the sheets. jisung stirred, gradually fluttering his eyes open, his nose scrunching at the uncomfortable sensation on his lower back.

jisung had love marks scattered across his skin, and his hair was tousled from the night before. after their intimate moments, minho had taken special care of him, providing the best aftercare to ensure jisung felt loved in every moment.

he sat up on the bed, supporting his lower back with his hand, and surveyed the room. he quickly noticed that minho was nowhere to be found.

"minho?" jisung called out in a raspy voice, rubbing his eyes to clear the drowsiness.

with no response, he called out again, "minho? darling!" his anxiety grew with each second.

new thoughts started to fill jisung's mind, none of them good. his mind whispered that minho had left him because he was a disappointment in bed or that minho didn't want to be with him anymore.

jisung's lips turned downward as these thoughts consumed him, and his eyes began to well up with tears.

just then, the door to their room swung open, revealing minho in just his sweatpants, shirtless.

minho had initially entered with a warm smile, ready to greet jisung a warm 'good morning'. however, his expression quickly shifted to one of concern and alertness as he saw his husband nearly on the verge of tears.

minho rushed to the bed, wiping away the stray tears that had fallen on jisung's cheeks.

"baby, my love, don't cry," minho whispered, deeply worried about what could have upset jisung.

"i-i thought you left me," jisung said, his voice quivering as he confessed his fears.

minho furrowed his brows even more at jisung's words. "what made you think i left you? baby, i just went out for a quick smoke. i would never leave you," minho assured, his voice filled with sincerity.

jisung continued, his voice small and embarrassed, "it's just that my mind was telling me that you left me because... i won't be able to give you a family."

minho was puzzled and asked gently, "what do you mean by that, love?" he softly placed jisung's head on his chest, his fingers idly playing with the younger's hair.

jisung murmured against minho's bare chest, "i thought maybe you had a realization last night that i would never get pregnant because i'm a male, and that made you... leave me."

"oh, love. i don't care if you can't get pregnant, okay? building a family doesn't mean we need to have children of our own. besides, we already have soonie and doongie," minho responded.

"and if, in the future, my sungie wants to have children, we can always adopt. the idea of me leaving you just because you can't give me a child is impossible. even thinking about it makes me sick," minho added with a chuckle, playfully booping jisung's nose, which made the younger giggle.

"so, don't ever think those things again, okay? i married you to stay with you forever, not to leave you."

"okay," jisung replied, his mood lifted by minho's reassurances.

"do you want our breakfast served here, or do you want to eat by the beach?" minho asked, looking down at jisung, who was hugging his torso.

"the beach," the younger replied.

"okay, up you go, then," minho responded, picking up jisung in his arms, which elicited giggles from the latter.

"min, i can walk by myself."

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