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! slight steamy scene please proceed with caution !

when jisung finished narrating the story of how he became a flight attendant despite his fear of heights to minho, he was already lying down on the older's lap, the latter playing with his soft locks.

"i thought i'd be able to conquer my fear of heights when i became a flight attendant, but look at me now," jisung said with a chuckle, trying to make it seem like it didn't bother him much.

minho visibly frowned at this. "love, i want to help you conquer your fears," he said, voicing his willingness to support jisung.

"how, though?" jisung asked, shifting his gaze to minho and locking eyes with him.

"i don't know yet, but i'll make sure that the next flight you have, you'll enjoy the view of the sky instead of fearing it," minho responded with a soft smile.

jisung smiled in return at minho's considerate offer, his heart warming. "how about you, captain? what made you pursue a career as a pilot?"

at this, minho shifted his gaze from jisung to the ceiling, as if deep in thought. "mhm, at first, my dad wanted me to follow in his footsteps," he replied.

jisung frowned at this. "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he responded, well aware of the situation with minho's family.

"no, it's okay, love. i want to tell you," minho replied, continuing to play with jisung's hair.

jisung nodded at this, enjoying the feeling of minho's fingers in his hair as he lay on his lap.

"so, i took aviation because of my dad's wishes. my mom was against it because she didn't like how my dad was deciding my future for me," minho said with a sad smile on his lips, recalling how well his mom had taken care of him.

"but then, i found myself enjoying flight school. now, i love what i do, being able to safely bring people from point a to point b, as well as the unexplainable feeling of flying through the sky," minho continued, a small grin gracing his lips.

jisung stared at minho, his eyes reflecting his admiration for the person telling the story.

"besides, if i didn't become a pilot, how would i have met you?" he finished, looking down at the younger.

the two of them locked gazes, their eyes revealing the depth of their feelings for each other. jisung let out a giggle before adjusting his position on minho's lap, now sitting up as he leaned closer to minho, his hands finding their way to the back of minho's head.

"i love you so much, captain mine," he whispered before closing the gap between their lips, sharing a loving and passionate kiss.

minho smiled through the kiss, loving how jisung was the one who initiated it. he then shifted his position to the edge of the bed, his arms encircling jisung's back as they continued to passionately kiss each other.

minho momentarily disconnected their lips slightly, whispering, "i love you too, my sky," before reconnecting it again.

their make-out session continued for a few more minutes, jisung sitting on minho's lap while the other gently rubbed his hips in a soothing motion, their tongues engaged in a heated battle. jisung felt his body grow hot, his mind, heart, and body all yearning for minho.

minho's own desire was strong, but he was determined to respect jisung's pace and boundaries. he didn't want to rush into anything that jisung wasn't ready for.

"m-mark me, min," jisung mumbled through the kiss, his voice filled with need.

minho's mind went blank at jisung's request. he slowly pulled away from the kiss to look at jisung for confirmation, their faces still only inches apart.

"i-i want to feel that i'm only yours," he repeated, averting his gaze from minho.

minho nodded at jisung's request, understanding the depth of his desire. he slowly lowered jisung's shirt for easy access, revealing his delicate collarbone.

leaning in, minho's warm breath brushed against jisung's neck, making the younger whimper in response. minho placed his lips on jisung's honey-glazed skin, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind, his teeth lightly grazing the skin before proceeding to suck on it.

jisung moaned at the sensation, burying his head in the crook of minho's neck as the latter continued with his tender work.

"m-min," jisung moaned when he felt minho suck on a specific spot.

he found jisung's most sensitive spot.

upon learning that, minho continued to suck and nibble against that area, his hands resting on jisung's hips and rubbing them in a soothing motion.

jisung used minho's neck to muffle his moans, his hands tangled in the older's hair as he tried his best to stay sane.

a few minutes later, minho pulled away, a string of saliva momentarily connecting his lips to jisung's honeyed skin. he pulled away, not wanting to go further than he had intended.

when he did, the sight before him made his mind go haywire. jisung was panting on his lap, his shirt loose and revealing his collarbone, his pupils dilated and his eyes droopy. his hair was disheveled, and his lips were swollen. but what caught minho's eyes were the love marks he had left behind on jisung's skin.

"fuck," minho muttered under his breath, his hands on jisung's waist moving in an up and down motion.

"you're so pretty, love," he added, captivated by the sight in front of him.

jisung chuckled at minho's reaction, his hands still tangled in minho's hair. "i'm your pretty boyfriend then," he said in a joking manner, locking eyes with minho.

minho let out a soft chuckle at jisung's response before embracing him, placing his head on jisung's shoulder. "let's stay like this for a while, love," he whispered, closing his eyes as he fully absorbed the moment.

jisung giggled at minho's gesture, hugging him back and burying his head once again on minho's neck, humming a soft tune.

"fly me to the moon?" minho asked, recognizing the tune jisung was humming.

"mhm," jisung hummed in response.

"i love that song," minho replied.

and with that, jisung continued humming the tune of the song, minho occasionally harmonizing with him, creating a beautiful melody that filled the room with warmth and love.

ji's notes!
this is probably the most steamy scene you're going to get from me in this book :PP

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