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it was already six in the evening when jisung and minho settled in for a relaxing movie night. the two decided to watch an animated film, each lying on their own bed, eyes fixed on the tv mounted in the middle of the room.

following their earlier heartwarming moment, jisung suggested the idea of watching a comforting movie together, and minho agreed. his mood had lifted considerably from before, and the ambiance of the room, combined with the movie's storyline, helped to further improve his state of mind.

jisung was nestled on his bed, "minnie" in his lap as he absentmindedly stroked its head, fully engrossed in the movie playing on the screen. meanwhile, minho was also focused on the movie this time, his attention captivated by the heartwarming scenes unfolding before him.

as the movie played on, a soft knocking on their hotel room door interrupted them. minho, being closer to the door, got up to answer it. when he swung the door open, he was met with the cabin crew and hyunjin, all wearing cheeky smiles.

"sooo, captain, since the rain has settled down a bit, we decided it's the perfect time to head to tokyo skytree," ryujin, one of the flight attendants, announced with enthusiasm.

jisung's eyes lit up with excitement as he perked up, moving closer to the group. "yes! i've been wanting to visit there!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

"captain, let's go get changed!" jisung encouraged, his attention briefly turning to minho before rushing to his luggage to grab clothes.

the other members of the cabin crew watched jisung's excitement with smiles, their anticipation evident in their expressions. minho let out a sigh, knowing he was outnumbered and has to go with their plans. he nodded at them before closing the door to change his own clothes.


outside the shared hotel room of minho and jisung, the cabin crew was waiting with growing impatience.

"what's taking them so long?" hyunjin complained, tapping his foot impatiently.

inside the room, jisung was debating on what to do; wearing just a hoodie would expose him to the cold air, as the hoodies he brought weren't thick enough to provide proper warmth. sensing his internal struggle, minho decided to step in. he handed jisung the coat he had borrowed.

looking up at minho, jisung hesitated, his hands hovering uncertainly over the offered coat. minho's flat statement cut through the hesitation. "take it."

with minho's guidance, jisung slipped into the coat, feeling its warmth envelop him. but minho didn't stop there. he also wrapped a scarf around jisung, making sure he was well-protected against the cold. "there, they're waiting for us," minho said, his tone softening.

the door swung open, revealing minho and jisung to the waiting crew outside. minho saw the crew gossiping, with hyunjin being the one who initiated it. minho shot them a pointed glare before stepping out, jisung, who looked tiny in minho's coat, following behind.

as the crew caught sight of jisung's adorable appearance, coos and playful head pats followed, with jisung making sounds of protest.

"alright, let's get going," minho announced, his tone firm as he kept a watchful eye on the crew, who quickly ceased their fussing and began making their way towards the exit of the hotel.


the group had rented a van to take them to tokyo skytree. jisung secured a window seat at the back, eager to enjoy the passing scenery. beside him sat minho, who had earbuds in, lost in his music. beside minho, hyunjin engaged in lively conversation with the flight attendants.

given that their hotel was a bit far from tokyo skytree, the drive was quite long. as time passed, jisung's gaze began to droop, and he soon found himself dozing off. in an attempt to find a comfortable spot to rest his head, he leaned against the window to rest.

minho, on the other hand, opened his eyes because of the younger shifting beside him. he then noticed jisung, trying to get into a comfortable position as he leaned on the window. given that the ride wasn't exactly smooth, and jisung's head would sometimes bump on the window, minho offered, "you can lean on me," thinking jisung would be more comfortable if he leaned on his shoulder.

again, jisung was hesitant, but minho was persistent. with the captain's gentle encouragement and his hands carefully placed to support jisung's head, the younger leaned against minho's shoulder. closing his eyes, jisung allowed himself to drift off to sleep, finally finding a comfortable position.

minho, now carrying the weight of jisung's head against his shoulder, couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. he attempted to suppress the swirl of thoughts and somersaults within him, convincing himself that his offer was merely about ensuring jisung's comfort. he repeated to himself, 'i just want him to rest comfortably, there's nothing more to it.'


after a long drive, the group finally arrived at tokyo skytree. minho gently tapped jisung's cheek while whispering to him that they had arrived.

it didn't take long for the younger to wake up, and when he did, he immediately ran out of the van and admired the view of the tall tower.

jisung's orbs sparkled with admiration at the view before him. meanwhile, minho found himself captivated by the sight of jisung, his heart warming at the younger's excitement and happiness.

the group then headed to the ticket counter. the tickets were a little expensive, but they were all well-off, so it proved to be no problem for them.

once inside, they first made their way to the sumida aquarium on the fifth and sixth floors, admiring the different kinds of marine animals. jisung took out his camera that he brought with him, intending to take pictures of his travels for memories. he then took many pictures of the marine animals, even playfully turned his lens toward the crew members, adding moments of lightheartedness to his collection.

"captain, stand over there!" jisung directed minho, pointing to a spot near one of the aquarium tanks.

minho, puzzled at first, followed jisung's guidance and positioned himself as instructed. jisung gestured for him to flash a peace sign in front of the aquarium, and minho complied a smile tugging on his lips. jisung clicked the camera, capturing the candid moment, and urged minho to continue posing for more shots, so he did.

"ah, hyunjin, can you take a picture of me and captain?" jisung then approached hyunjin, handing him his camera as he pointed at one of the aquariums where he and minho could take a picture.

hyunjin readily agreed, providing direction to both minho and jisung about their poses and angles. "hyung, put your arms around jisung, and jisung, turn your head toward minho. just act natural," hyunjin instructed, camera in hand.

minho hesitated for a moment before following hyunjin's instructions, and jisung, too, settled into the pose. as he turned to look at minho, a flutter of emotion surged through jisung's chest. the older was smiling at him, a soft and genuine expression that made jisung's heart skip a beat.

"okay, good, don't move," hyunjin ordered, getting ready to capture the moment.

jisung and minho got lost in each other's eyes, their orbs sparkling with pure admiration.

"got it!" hyunjin announced, breaking their trance as he approached them to show them the captured image.

jisung eagerly took the camera, and minho leaned in to examine the photo as well. "you two look like a couple," hyunjin teased, but minho's focus remained on the image before him, almost as if he was studying it.

"it looks fantastic, hyunjin! thanks!" jisung exclaimed, the remark not getting to him due to the excitement he felt in that place.

"jisung, can i get a copy of that photo?" minho's request caught jisung's attention, and at that, jisung smiled and said, "of course, minho hyung."

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