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after the group finished eating at a restaurant, they continued on their way to minho's parents' house. this time, minho insisted on driving since jisung had been behind the wheel earlier, and the distance was quite far. seeing minho's determination, jisung decided to let him take the driver's seat.

they had been on the road for a few hours now, and jisung and minju were singing along to the songs playing from minho's playlist.

"captain, sing with us!" jisung urged, turning his head to minho with a wide smile.

"i'll pass. i don't want you to fall deeper because of my voice," minho retorted, a playful smirk on his lips.

in response, jisung playfully scoffed, while minju stared at her brother in utter disgust.

as a comfortable silence enveloped them once again, jisung softly hummed along to the songs playing in the car, while minju dozed off in the backseat, and minho focused on the road, his hands resting on jisung's lap.

minho glanced at jisung, noticing that his eyes were fluttering slowly, a sign that he was close to dozing off.

"love, you can sleep. i'll wake you up when we arrive," minho softly suggested, his gaze shifting back to the road.

"i don't want to. i want to accompany you on your drive," jisung responded with a yawn, trying to fight off the sleep that was creeping in.

"i'd rather have you rest. you just got off your flight, and you need to rest," minho insisted.

"i don't want tooooo," jisung whined, pouting at minho.

"that won't work on me anymore, mister," minho scolded.

"but i'm not sleepy. i don't know what you're talking about," jisung replied, turning his attention to the window and pretending not to be on the verge of falling asleep.

"i can literally sense the sleepiness radiating off of you. you can't fool me," minho continued to scold, lightly squeezing jisung's thigh to emphasize his seriousness about wanting jisung to rest.

jisung flinched at minho's actions, a red hue spreading across his cheeks. "d-don't do that..." he muttered softly.

this caught minho's attention, and he glanced at his side, seeing jisung turning red as he slumped into his seat, his gaze fixed on the car window, lightly biting his lips.

'fuck,' minho thought to himself, feeling his heart race at the sight of jisung all shy and red because of him.

minho couldn't resist any longer; he wanted jisung at that moment, so he was determined to have him. he shifted his eyes back to the road, looking for a place where he could temporarily park. as soon as he found a suitable spot, he parked the car, checking the surroundings to ensure it was safe and not crowded.

of course, this sudden action caught jisung's attention. "wha-" but before he could even finish his sentence, he felt soft lips pressed against his.

jisung's eyes widened at the unexpected kiss, feeling himself shiver as minho's hands ghosted over his skin before gently resting on his neck, deepening the kiss.

"m-min, minju's here..." jisung managed to mumble through the kiss, his eyes glancing at the sleeping figure in the backseat.

minho momentarily disconnected their lips, whispering, "then be quiet," before reconnecting them, the sound of wet kisses enveloping the car.

their heated make-out session continued for a few more precious minutes, with both of their clothes now crumpled and slightly unbuttoned, and their hair disheveled. they only stopped when minju started stirring in her sleep, causing both of them to pull away quickly, their faces flushed and lips swollen.

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