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jisung just stood there, processing what minho had said for a while.

the older didn't appreciate jisung's lack of response, so he raised his eyebrows, his gaze piercing through the poor boy's soul.

as a result, jisung snapped back to reality and managed to stutter a reply, "w-what?"

"you're still hungover, aren't you? obviously, you can't cook in that state," minho retorted with a scoff.

jisung chewed on his lips, feeling embarrassed by minho scolding him.

"anything will do..." he said quietly, finding it hard to believe that this is the guy he 'slept' with.

upon hearing that, minho immediately left jisung's room and headed to the kitchen.


jisung had just finished his shower. the entire time he was in there, he pondered about minho and what could have happened yesterday when he got wasted.

"my ass doesn't hurt, so that means he didn't have sex with me, right?" he asked himself while absentmindedly selecting clothes to wear for the day.

"but earlier... he was limping and he had his hands on his back. does that mean i was the one on top?" he wondered aloud.

"FUCK, I DON'T KNOW!" he then exclaimed, dropping his clothes on the ground as he ran his fingers through his hair, attempting to recall the events.

when nothing came to mind, he sighed, picked up his clothes, and flopped down on his bed.

"i want to fucking kill myself," he muttered.

while jisung was lost in his thoughts, a gentle knock echoed from his door. he approached the entrance and absentmindedly opened it, not realizing he was still undressed.

as soon as the door swung open, minho was met with the sight of jisung. with wet hair, a towel wrapped around his slim waist, and his well-defined body on full display.

"what's up?" jisung began, noticing that minho was simply staring at him without uttering a word.

minho felt his cheeks warm at the sight and averted his gaze, muttering, "breakfast is ready, and, uh, could you please put some clothes on?"

upon hearing that, jisung swiftly grasped that he was still undressed. he promptly shut the door on minho's face, hastening to dress before heading downstairs to the kitchen.


when jisung closed the door in his face, minho returned to the kitchen with a scowl.

he hadn't anticipated jisung suddenly shutting the door on him, narrowly avoiding a collision with his nose.

seated at the long dining table, he grumbled, "why did i even agree to stay with him..."

he continued to sigh, waiting for jisung to come down so they could start eating. minho preferred not to begin his meal first, as he believed it would be disrespectful to the homeowner.

before long, jisung finally descended the stairs, now wearing clothes. he made his way to the dining table and took a seat across from minho, avoiding making eye contact.

minho simply glared at the person in front of him before beginning to eat his food.


as they ate, minho heard jisung exclaim, "mhm! this is good!"

"hyung, you didn't tell me you're a good cook!" jisung continued to praise, happily enjoying his meal.

minho was taken aback by the sudden compliment, but he simply nodded his head slightly and hummed in acknowledgment.

after finishing their meal, minho offered to wash the dishes, considering he was a guest and jisung might still have a headache.

of course, jisung didn't refuse his offer, as he found washing dishes to be an annoying task. he sat on the kitchen island, observing minho as he washed the dishes.

'he's handsome, but he's a jerk,' he thought to himself.

jisung continued to gaze, debating whether he should ask minho about what happened between them or not.

'what if we really did fucked? oh god, that would be so fucking embarrassing,' he wondered.

'i mean, he was sleeping on the couch, so that means we didn't do it, right? but what if we did and he just moved to the couch...' he kept thinking to himself.

"well, whatever happened, at least it's with a handsome man,"


upon hearing that, jisung suddenly stood up, his ears reddening as he realized he had spoken those words aloud and that minho had heard them.

"n-nothing?" he stammered, his voice betraying his uncertainty.

minho raised his eyebrows at jisung. he was about to tell the younger that he needed to leave, but he hadn't expected those words to slip out of his mouth.

jisung frantically waved his hands, attempting to dismiss the topic.

the older then gave up, recognizing that the younger wouldn't reveal what he meant, and he lacked the energy to press the matter further.

"i have to leave now," he informed.

"oh? will you be alright on your own?"

"yeah, i can take the bus from here to chan's house. i left my car there," he said, already heading toward the front door.

"t-then goodbye! and also, thank you for, um... everything," the younger said, his voice becoming quiet at the end.

minho simply nodded before departing through the front door.

"fuck, i wasn't even able to ask him," jisung cursed.

he had wanted to ask about what really happened yesterday with minho, but he lacked the courage to do so.

"maybe innie and the others know," he mumbled, heading back to his room to call the younger.


as soon as jisung entered his room, he immediately flopped onto the bed and retrieved his phone, dialing jeongin's number.

several rings echoed in the room before someone answered.

"hello, hyung?"

"innieeeee, i have to ask you something," jisung whined playfully from the other end.

"did anything happen between me and captain lee?" he asked.

jeongin didn't answer; instead, he heard rustling from the other end of the line.

"innie?" he asked again.

it took a while for the youngest to respond, but eventually, he replied with, "i don't know, hyung. you and minho hyung left the room before us, so we don't know what happened between you."

upon hearing that, jisung's jaw dropped.

"a-are you sure...?" he asked once more, his voice shaky.

"i'm sure, hyung."

"innie, you better be telling me the truth."

"i am, hyung."

jisung persisted for a while, but the youngest continued to provide the same answer. frustration got the better of jisung, and he ended the call. he grabbed a pillow, hitting it in every direction before screaming into it.

"FUCKKKKK!" he yelled into the pillow, his voice muffled.

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