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yeji was on her way to jisung's hotel room, a cup of cappuccino in hand. earlier, the crew had decided to visit the café just outside the hotel, with the two captains also joining in. yeji had volunteered to be the one to inform jisung, but when she knocked on his door, there was no response. instead, she decided to bring him the café's best-selling coffee.

with a skip in her step, yeji made her way to jisung's room, excited for him to try the coffee and to hear about the outcome of his surprise for his boyfriend.

in the café, yeji had taken the opportunity to ask her twin, hyunjin, about jisung's relationship. hyunjin told her everything, from what had happened in japan to how jisung and his boyfriend were staying strong to this day.

while yeji felt a twinge of sadness, as she had harbored some feelings for the flight attendant herself, she was also genuinely happy to know that jisung had a wonderful partner by his side.

standing outside jisung's room, she raised her fist and softly knocked on the door, calling out, "jisungieee, i bought you some coffee. open up!"


after jisung had given minho his gift and fled from the scene, he stormed into his room, sliding down to the floor as he leaned his back against the side of the bed.

fresh tears streamed down jisung's face. earlier, he had tried to wipe them away with his uniform sleeves, but his efforts had been futile, only dampening and crumpling his uniform.

jisung continued to cry and sob, the sound muffled by his hands as he covered his face. he could hear his phone sounding a series of notifications, but he didn't even glance at it, fully aware that it was minho.

grabbing a pillow from the bed, he placed it between his legs and screamed into it, letting out every emotion he felt at that moment.

"fuck! fuck! shit!" he screamed into the pillow, followed by hitting his own head against it in frustration. every word that escaped his mouth was broken, leaving his throat hoarse from the intensity of his screams.

jisung wanted to curse minho, but for some reason, he couldn't do it. instead, he directed his anger towards himself. "han jisung, you're a fucking mess! you can't even be a good enough partner to your boyfriend, leaving him to find someone else to share his desires with!" he continued.

he continued to release his frustrations for a few more minutes until he ran out of energy, resulting in him collapsing on the floor. his tears had now stopped flowing, and his eyes were blotchy red. he lay on his side, his hand clutching his chest in a futile attempt to soothe his aching heart.

"minho..." he muttered, a lingering sense of longing in his voice as he called out to the older. he loved minho, and as much as he hated him right now, he couldn't bring himself to curse him or say bad things about him. in fact, he didn't really hate minho; he just felt deeply betrayed. he couldn't bring himself to truly hate him, no matter how hurt he was.

jisung stayed in the position for quite a while, trying to regain compusure. his chest rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath. his hair was sticking everywhere, and his uniform looks disarray, matching the current state he was in.

he was then interrupted by a soft knock on his door and a voice calling out in a sweet tone, "jisungieee, i bought you some coffee. open up!"

jisung perked up; he didn't want to answer the door, but at the same time, he didn't want to worry his crew members. so he responded, "just a sec! i need to change," and with that, he stood up from his place, grabbing some clothes he could change into from his luggage.

"okie dokie," yeji replied from the other side.

after changing into fresh clothes, jisung went inside the bathroom and splashed water on his face, trying to get rid of the evidence of his earlier breakdown. "fucking hell..." he muttered as he saw his red eyes in the mirror's reflection.

he let out a deep sigh and walked back to the room, grabbing his eyeglasses from the bedside table, hoping they would serve as a distraction from his red eyes.

once he was ready, he stood in front of the mirror, checking his appearance to make sure he looked fine. then, he took a deep breath, forcing a smile before opening the door, revealing yeji with coffee in her hand.

"hi," yeji greeted, extending her hand with the coffee.

"thank you, yeji," jisung said, grabbing the coffee from her. "do you want to come in, or?" he asked.

"if it's alright with you," she replied.

jisung gave her a smile, indicating that it was okay for her to step inside. with that, jisung went back into his room, placing the coffee on the table, with yeji following him inside.

when she got in, yeji sat on the bed, looking around the room as she said, "sooo..."


"i wanted to ask how your surprise went..." she continued.

jisung flinched at that, and yeji took notice of his change in demeanor. "did it not go well?" she asked carefully.

jisung froze in his spot as the events from earlier replayed in his mind once again.

taking notice of jisung lost in his thoughts, yeji decided to approach him, gently placing her hands on his shoulders as she asked, "hey, if something's wrong, i'm here to listen," she comforted.

that was enough to push jisung back into tears. seeing the tears streaming down from his eyes, yeji immediately embraced him in a hug, rubbing his back in a soothing manner as she said, "shh, i'm here, jisungie. just let it all out."

jisung hugged her back, which caught yeji off guard, but she didn't mind it. in fact, she felt happy that her crush hugged her back, although she didn't really like the reason for it.

they stayed in that position for quite a while, jisung's crying finally subsiding as he rested his head on yeji's shoulder while she ran her fingers through his hair in an attempt to soothe him.

suddenly, a voice called out from the door saying, "jisung, it's chan. can i come in?"

"do you want me to say yes?" yeji asked jisung, sensing that he had no energy to do so.

jisung nodded his head in response, and with that, yeji responded to chan saying, "chan, jisung said yes."

the door opened, revealing chan, but he wasn't alone. beside him was none other than lee minho, who looked like he was not in the best state.


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