The Story of Us

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The Story of Us

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The Story of Us

It's been a few days since the positive pregnancy test. Lilly was struggling with emotions and anxiety and tried to hide it from Chase. She really did love him and didn't want to hurt him. But truth was she wasn't ready for this pregnancy and she wasn't ready for a baby. It wasn't that she didn't want to have kids with Chase she just hadn't fully grieved for Nathan.

They had just arrived at her OB's office. Chase parked the Tahoe.

"Let's go find out all we can about this lil one." Chase says linking his fingers with hers before bringing it to his lips for a kiss.

"Okay." Lilly sighs.

Chase got out first and then came around and helped her out of the Tahoe. They head inside holding hands. Lilly checked in. A few minutes later she was called back. Lilly was escorted back to an exam room. After getting vitals and her weight they let Chase back. Lilly was sitting on the exam table swinging her feet back forth.

"Oh my god stop that!" Chase says grabbing her feet to keep her from moving them.

"Sorry.   My nerves are just shot." Lilly says.

"Why?" Chase asks.

That was when the doctor came in and Lilly was saved by the bell.   

"Hi Lilly, how are you doing?" Dr. Smith says.

"I am okay, I guess." Lilly replies.

"What brings you in today?" She asks.

"I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive.    Just coming to have it confirmed." Lilly replies.

"Oh okay, I will get some blood work and then we will go from there okay." She says.

Lilly nods her head.      They drew some blood from her and had it sent out.      A little bit later the doctor came in and did a sonogram.

"I am sorry guys it was a false positive.    You are not pregnant." The doctor says.

Lilly let out a huge sigh of relief.     The doctor left to give them a few minutes.

"Lilly what was that all about?" Chase asks.

"What?" Lilly asks.

"The sigh." Chase replies.

"I am happy that I'm not pregnant." Lilly says.

"Why?" Chase asks.

"Because I'm not ready to go through that again Chase.   I am just not ready." Lilly says.

"Because of Nathan?" Chase asks.

"Yes because of Nathan.     Do you even realize what today is?" Lilly asks.

"No." Chase says.

"It would have been Nathan's due date.     But he isn't here with us.     Yet however here we are in the doctors office thinking we are pregnant again.     I am glad we aren't." Lilly says.

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